4 People You’ll Meet at a Trade Show

people you will meet when tabling or attending a personalized print trade showWhether you’re attending a tradeshow or setting up a booth to promote your print business, you’ll meet a wide variety of people at a show. Depending on their goal for the show, they might have a very different approach to tradeshow attendance than you do. Here are four people you’ll meet at the next tradeshow you attend.

The Info-Maniac
It’s good to do some research on the tradeshow ahead of time and to pay attention to the details, but this person takes that to the extreme. They love doing their research on exhibitors beforehand, and probably can be seen on the exhibitor floor with a notebook full of scribbled bits of information and a bag full of informational pieces.

If you’re an exhibitor, the Info-Maniac could be a gift or a curse depending on how you handle it. If you can give them the right details—or get their contact information so you can touch base on those questions after the show—you might have a new sale on your hands. Just be sure that you don’t let them monopolize your time.

The Trick-or-Treater
Remember how much fun it was to go door-to-door on Halloween and coming home with a bag of candy? The Trick-or-Treater definitely remembers, and they want to come home with a bag of tradeshow swag to rival those youthful candy hauls. If you’re attending, don’t be afraid to keep an eye on this person if they have a great promotional piece. That might give you an idea of where to explore next.

If you’re exhibiting at a tradeshow, though, this person can be a challenge because they might be more focused on stuffing their tote bag with logoed pieces than they are connecting with the companies behind those logos. Try to limit the amount of time you spend on this person and move on to more promising leads.

The Stealthy Competitor
The Stealth Competitor isn’t interested in doing business with the exhibitors—in fact, he’s one of those exhibitors! He might be seen asking very specific questions about pricing or production costs, trying to get the inside scoop by posing as a customer.

If you’re exhibiting and think you’re talking to a Stealthy Competitor, don’t be afraid to be brief. Ask for their contact information so that you can follow up. If they actually are a potential customer, it’s a great chance to answer those specific questions in a less busy setting. If they are a competitor, chances are they won’t want to talk further.

The Serious Buyer
This trade show attendee visits a booth for a good reason—to buy a product—and that makes them the best person to talk to when you’re exhibiting. If you’re attending, on the other hand, you can still benefit from the Serious Buyer. If you overhear them talking to an exhibitor, pay close attention—you might learn something! Not only might the Serious Buyer give you ideas for good questions to ask, but the direction of their conversation might tell you whether or not an exhibitor is a good fit for you.

Have you met these tradeshow attendees? How did you talk to them? We’d love to see your stories in the comments below.