4 Sales and Marketing Tools You Can Use Without Leaving the Air Conditioning

personalized print sales tools you can use without leaving the air conditioningWhen summer heat is here, sometimes it’s nice for both you and your customers to stay inside where it’s cool. That makes summer the perfect time for digital sales tools! Not only are these tools an ideal way to inform your customers about your product offering, they also allow both of you to stay cool. Here are four of the best sales and marketing tools you can use without leaving air conditioning behind.

Getting Digital with Emails
Emails are a wonderful tool when the weather heats up. You can send a company newsletter. You can start a conversation with your customer about their order or ask whether they need to stock up on a product they ordered last summer around this time. You can send PDF proofs of your customer’s print piece for one last check before the order goes to press. Emails are a modern essential sales tool for a reason.

And don’t forget to update your email signature with favorite products for summer or with a link to a digital sales tool. Speaking of links to sales tools…

Send More Information Fast With ZOOMcatalog
When you’re showing your customers the wide selection of print products that your business offers, don’t be afraid to send them the entire Navitor catalog! ZOOMcatalog gives you the option to personalize an unbranded version of our catalog and either download the PDF or link your customers to it directly. This gives your customers the time they need to browse those products.

Highlight Products with Digital Flyers
Want to highlight a single product without getting bogged down with an entire catalog? We’ve got the digital tools for you! Download an unbranded flyer and attach it to an email for a ready-made awareness campaign or send a flyer when starting an email conversation with customers who are interested in a particular product. We’ve also got vertical market focused sales flyers to you to explore.

Keep it Simple With Your Phone—and Your Voicemail Message
You might use your phone every day, but it’s still important to consider when you’re marketing your business—especially when the weather is hot. Whether you’re reaching out to your customers to touch base after some time or you are returning a call with more information about their order, your phone is a powerful way to reach out to your customers wherever they are.

And don’t forget about your voicemail message! Take a moment to record a new message for your business phone to let your customers know both that you’ll return their call and the popular products they might want to add to their order.

How do you keep your marketing efforts moving when the weather is hot? We’d love to see your ideas in the comments below.

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