Could Your Home Office Be Better?

If you’ve ever had to spend a day working from home, you know how important it is to have your space ready for your day of work. However, it’s important to periodically take a moment to improve your workspace at home. Whether you work primarily from home or you occasionally spend the day away from the office, here are a few tips for creating the perfect home office. And if you don’t work from home, consider putting a few of these tips in place in your office at work to keep you focused and creative all day long.

Make Sure Your Connection is Ready to Go
Whether it’s your telephone, an internet connection, or both, it’s essential to be able to touch base with your coworkers when you have a question or need to move quickly on a project. While many people work from home to increase their focus, that connection is still essential. After all, you never know when you’ll need that lifeline to get your project done.

Make Your Home Office Feel Like Work Away From Work
You’ve heard of a home away from home—make sure your home office is your work away from work! Be ready to close yourself off from the rest of the house so that you can get yourself into work mode. This is especially true if you’re prone to distraction. Having a different style for your home office and shutting the door when it’s time to get to work can help keep you from getting distracted by laundry, cooking dinner, mowing the lawn, or dusting.

Invest In a Great Chair
Have you ever had to work in an uncomfortable chair? It can have a huge impact on how effectively you work, and if you’re going to spend hours in a chair you want to make sure it’s comfortable. Consider getting an ergonomic chair—and even an ergonomic keyboard—to keep yourself working effectively.

Give it Some Color
Having a colorful, nice-looking space can be a big boost to your productivity, and from light levels to the color of your surroundings, there are a lot of ways that having the right environment can help you work more effectively. Both blue and green have been shown to enhance performance on creative tasks, while those looking to improve their attention to detail might find the color red to be an ideal fit. Light levels can make a big difference, too—a dimmer environment can foster creativity, while bright lights have been shown to be better for analytical thought.

And paint or colored art aren’t the only way to keep you working effectively. Research has repeatedly shown that office plants can improve your productivity, and a window with a view can particularly help you recharge if you have a view of a natural landscape.

How do you create an ideal workspace? We’d love to hear your tips in the comments below.

4 Back-to-School Lessons You Can Use in Your Business

We talked a few weeks back about how you can go “back to school” to keep your business knowledge moving. Today we want you to think back to the lessons you learned when you were in school—and put them in practice in your business! Here are four of the classroom lessons that will help your business thrive every day.

1. Have the Right Supplies
Remember when you were getting ready for the return to the classroom and you got a shopping list of the things you would need that year? Business can sometimes be a lot like that—having the right tools on hand when you start the job is essential.

But what are the right tools? As a professional, unfortunately, you can’t simply pick up your checklist at your average big box store. However, you also have the benefit of experience and can make your own list. Does having a vertical market sales kit on hand for meetings help you make the sale? Make sure you have one of these kits on hand at the start of the next sales meeting. Does one of your customers respond to having a catalog laid out in front of them? Make sure you’ve got that catalog ready—or send them a personalized digital catalog like our zoomCatalog.

2. Take a Moment Every Day to Stay Organized
If your elementary school was anything like mine, you spent some time every day picking up after yourselves, and this is a great habit to build in your business, too! Take a few minutes every day to organize your files, get a few small tasks checked off your list, and straighten things up at your desk. This will help you stay organized, and you’ll find that doing a little every day is much simpler than doing all that organizing at one time.

3. Give Yourself a Break to Recharge
Whether it’s taking a lunchtime breather or getting outside for some “recess,” taking a moment to recharge can be just as helpful for you now as it was when you were in school. Taking that break can help you work more effectively and get more done in the long run.

4. Don’t Be Afraid to Ask a Question
Do you need more information about a new product? Are you unsure how to go about placing an order? Do you just want to have a little more clarity? It can be easy to avoid asking these questions because you’re worried about whether you should already know this information—but don’t be afraid to raise your hand! Whether it’s asking a teacher for more information or asking your print provider for more information about a new product, asking a question is as great an idea in your business as it was in the classroom.

What schoolroom lessons do you still use in your day-to-day life? We’d love to see you join the conversation in the comments below.

Matte Finishes are Anything But Dull!

matte gold foil on a legal business cardMatte finishes are back on trend, and your customers should consider them for their next print piece! Whether they love the look of an uncoated stock or are looking for a subtle touch of metal without a high gloss shine, matte finishes, here are just a few of the reasons your customers should use matte finishes for their next print piece.

Uncoated Stocks Let Texture Shine Through
If your customer is looking for a classic, elegant look, uncoated stocks bring their texture to the forefront! The texture of an uncoated stock gives it a handmade, tactile appeal that feels high end.

Uncoated stocks give your customers a variety of other benefits, too! They are easier to write on, so if your customer is hoping to include a handwritten note on their business card or to sign their announcements by hand they might want to stick to uncoated stocks. Your customer can also be sure that their print piece will look cleaner because fingerprints and smudges won’t show up after their print piece has been touched.

Uncoated Stocks and Color
In matte prints, colors are slightly more muted, giving colors and images a more natural feel. While vibrant hues are a great option for some customers, these subtler colors are a good fit for print pieces with a more muted color palette. This also gives a print piece a more classic feel instead of the sleek look of a coated stock.

Matte Foils are Subtle and Elegant
When your customers think of foil, they probably think of a shiny finish first and foremost. However, they can also choose foils that give them the look of classic gold or silver in a matte or dull finish. Our graphic designers recommend dull foils especially for markets that value a subtle and classic look with high end flair: law firms, financial institutions, and other well-established businesses.

Matte foils also add another benefit: readability. Because there is no glare on a dull foil, they are easier to read and keep your customer’s message and branding in the forefront.

Dull Foil for Designer’s Choice!
Like we mentioned before, when we talked to our team’s graphic designers they had a lot to say about the love of matte finishes. They said that they prefer dull foil because they find it more attractive and more subtle. They also said that dull foil stands out because many printers don’t offer it as an option and as a result it’s a less common finishing touch for business cards, announcements, and other print pieces.

Do your customers like matte finishes? Or do they prefer something shinier? We’d love to see you join the conversation in the comments below.

Postcards Vs. Letters: Which is Better for Your Customer’s Direct Mail?

Your customer has a lot of different options for their next direct mail project. Should they print their message on letterhead and send it as a letter? Should they send out a postcard with full color flair? Which mailing will speak to their customers and make the sale? We’re breaking down the big differences between letters and postcards for your customer’s direct mail efforts—here’s what you need to know.

Considering the Cost? Postcards Come Out on Top
When your customers are looking for a budget friendly option for their direct mail efforts, postcards definitely come out on top. Because they are lightweight, traditionally sized postcards are less expensive to mail than any other form of direct mail.

Who are They Marketing To?
When your customer is sending mail to consumers, they need to create a piece that speaks directly to that audience. When they’re sending their mail to the public, they want to pick the print piece that catches attention in the mailbox and immediately captures that attention.

If your customer is targeting businesses, however, a postcard isn’t necessarily the right play. A letter will feel more polished, more professional, and—most importantly—important! Because a letter feels more direct, it is an ideal fit for business-to-business marketing because your customer’s audience will feel like they are being spoken to directly rather than simply marketed to.

Letters are also more effective for consumers who are already familiar with your customer’s business. They will recognize your customer’s branding and are more likely to open the letter when it arrives.

Does their Sales Pitch Rely on Great Images?
If your customer’s business creates visually striking products or provides a stylish service, they might want to focus on inspiring photographs for their direct mail piece and postcards are a good way to do that. Not only do they feature full color print, they put those full color images in front of consumers without even an envelope standing in the way.

They can, of course, include full color images in their direct mail letters, too. They can create sales sheets or brochures to accompany the more formal letter to highlight images of their products.

The Right Print for the Job
At Navitor, we’re pleased to offer you the right print for the job. Whether your customer wants high quality letterhead for their mailing or wants to create a striking postcard, we’ve got product options that are sure to impress!

And if you want to know more about the numbers behind direct mail marketing, take a look at this post on direct mail statistics.

Which print pieces do your customers love most for their direct mail efforts? We’d love to see you join the conversation in the comments below.

Marketing: It’s Time to Shake Things Up!

alarm clock announcing that it's time to change your personalized print marketing

Whether you’re feeling stuck in a rut with your marketing efforts or you want to reach out to a new audience, sometimes you need to shake things up with your marketing efforts! If you’re looking to make a change, here are a few tips for shaking things up with your marketing strategy.

Shake Things Up on Social Media
Because it moves quickly and changes just as quickly, the social media world can be a great way to shake things up with your marketing strategy. First and foremost, if you don’t have an online presence for your business you should definitely create social media pages as a new way to connect with customers. Once you’ve created these pages, it’s time to get started!

If your marketing is a highly polished and conservative affair, consider using social media to show a more casual, more human face to your business. Depending on your customer base, you might also want to show off the visual flair of the print you provide by sharing photographs on social media. This gives you a chance to show a different side of your business and possibly appeal to a whole new market.

Experiment With Seasonal Marketing
With the holidays coming up, you might want to think about how you can create seasonal marketing for your business. Not only is embracing the holiday season a great way to shake up your marketing and give you the chance to try something new, it is also a great way to experiment with new things without dedicating your marketing strategy to them long term.

Talk to Your Customers
Are you looking for a lower-risk opportunity for change? Talk to your existing customers about what they love about your business and what they wish they had known when they first started to do business with you. You might find that you aren’t highlighting the best that you have to offer and have the opportunity to change your marketing for the better.

Reach Out to Find New Ideas
This isn’t just one way to shake up your marketing—it’s opening the door to potentially endless ways! By reading books or blogs and following social media accounts written by people outside your specific industry you might find inspiring new ideas. As print professionals, you have a lot of choices—read a book on marketing strategies from a professional marketer, read blog posts about the markets that you work with most often, or follow small business owners to learn about a variety of new topics.

How do you shake up your marketing efforts? We would love to see you join the conversation in the comments below.

Labels for Nonprofits

In a world that’s constantly on the go, why settle for advertising that stays put? Get your message out and about! Cost effective and multi-functional, labels can play a supporting role in engaging donors and increasing the awareness of your cause or organization.

A non-profit organization was looking to create a sticker that would help show support at an upcoming marathon fundraiser. The labels needed to stick firmly to runners’ outfits from the starting line to the finish line and arrive quickly to have in time for the race.

The non-profit was pleased to find that they could create a colorful, custom-shaped label using freeform™ laser cutting and digital printing. Not only was the process budget-friendly and useful in creating a unique label shape and image, it also allowed the label to arrive more quickly. This meant that they had a sticker that was instantly recognizable on every runner, stayed on their clothes throughout the race and had it in time for the race.

The stickers also featured printed label liners to talk about why the labels were created and helped explain the group’s cause to race attendees. This meant that it was easy to distribute not just the labels, but also a message about the importance of showing support.

Of course, not everything about this quick turnaround was down to the label. Sometimes, the choice of supplier is just as important as the choice of which label to print. The non-profit found that, with a little extra help from their supplier to make sure their labels arrived in a timely fashion, the label they chose brought with it some great benefits:

  • Runners were able to show their support and the custom label shape was easily recognized on their shirts
  • Labels stayed adhered to runners’ clothing during the entire marathon
  • With freeform™ laser cutting, there was no additional cost for a die to create the custom shape
  • Printed label liners allowed race organizers to easily explain their cause and why the labels were created

Labels can also assist with fundraising efforts and to secure sponsorships. They can help with drumming up interest, announce a person’s participation in an event or charity drive, thank contributors, and decorate event paraphernalia, just to name a few.

So what types of labels can non-profits utilize? The list is long, but some of the big ones include:

  • Tech Decals & Stickers Sheets
  • Bumper Stickers
  • Mailing Labels
  • Window Decals
  • Promotional Stickers
  • Water Bottle Labels

Whether people choose to run a marathon to help raise funds, wear a fun-and-flirty red dress to stand in solidarity, or simply pin a ribbon to a lapel to show support, there’s a super easy and very visual way to help spread the word about non-profit organizations and fundraisers. Labels Works products! The possibilities for advertising with labels are truly endless and the more the public sees a logo or symbol, the more familiar they become with the cause it represents.

Looking for label inspiration? Check out our selling resources for an online catalog, sales tools and so much more. As always, if you need label or pricing help, please contact Label Works at 800.522.3558 or We’re here to answer any of your label questions!

Personalized Stamps Help Teachers Make Their Mark

Imagine writing the same check mark or star twenty times on a page, then turning that page and needing to do it again. If you know any teachers, you know that this isn’t pure imagination—it’s a reality for many educators while they grade assignments. Then multiply the experience by the number of students in the class and by the number of classes that a teacher has to teach throughout the day.

With so many stars or check marks to draw, it’s easy to see why a stamp could be an ideal gift for many teachers.

Whether your customer is a school official looking to thank teachers for their hard work, a nonprofit looking for a way to liven up classrooms, or someone hoping to create a striking teacher gift, stamps are a great choice.

1. Saves Time for Busy Teachers
This is the biggest reason why teachers might want to have some stamps on hand in their classroom. Just like signature stamps, a classroom stamp can help them save time marking assignments and give them back more time in their day. And, as we mentioned before, teachers can grade many assignments every day, so that time savings can really add up throughout the year.

2. Personalization Potential
Every classroom is different, and a stamp is a fun way to personalize the grading process. Rather than using just a smiley face, a message of “Great Job!” or “100%”, your customer can choose to add the teacher’s name to the message for an extra, personal touch. Think of it like a signature stamp with a grading twist!

The design isn’t the only option for personalizing a stamp, however. The type of stamp can also be a great chance for personalization. If the recipient likes color, consider a traditional rubber stamp that can be used with a wide variety of different colored stamp pads. If they value neatness, a pre-inked or self-inking stamp can help them keep their desk neat while still enjoying the benefits of a stamp.

3. Have Fun!
One of the biggest reasons that teachers use stamps in the classroom is that they can be just plain fun! Charming designs, a bit of color, and a little creativity make stamps an enjoyable desktop addition that teachers won’t just use because they are practical—they’ll use because they make them smile.

Do your customers order stamps for gifts? Which stamps are their favorites? We’d love to see you join the conversation in the comments below.

What Your Customers Say—And What it Really Means

When you talk to your customers, sometimes you need to decode what they’re asking for. Whether it’s a technical term that they aren’t familiar with or navigating their desire to be polite, talking to your customers can be like a lot like translating. Here are a few of the things you might hear your customers say—and what they really mean.

(And, remember, we love our customers, and we know you appreciate your customers, too. This is only for fun.)

1. What Customers Say: “I definitely need [product].”
What Customers Mean: “I’m pretty sure I need this product because I’ve used it in a similar situation before and I’m not ready to change.”

2. What Customers Say: “I want people to know that this is our brand.”
What Customers Mean: “Make the logo big.”

3. What Customers Say: “Could you make that logo a little bigger?”
What Customers Mean: “Could you make that logo a lot bigger?”

4. What Customers Say: “It’s a shame that you have to work on holidays/weekends.”
What Customers Mean: “This is probably a pain for you, but I’m really glad that you’re open because it’s the only day that I have to place this order.

5. What Customers Say: “Can you make it pop?”
What Customers Mean: “Make it shiny and colorful. Maybe add more detail. No, more colorful.”

6. What Customers Say: “I’m on a tight budget.”
What Customers Mean: “My wish list is much bigger than my budget. I’m probably going to look at your pricing quote and ask if you can adjust the pricing a bit.”

7. What Customers Say: “I like it, but…”
What Customers Mean: “I don’t actually like it at all, but I’m trying to be polite.”
What Customers Might Also Mean: “I’m realizing now that the more expensive thing you showed me before would have made me happier.”

8. What Customers Say: “I don’t have a budget in mind!”
What Customers Mean: “I’ve definitely got a budget in mind, but I haven’t put a number on it just yet.”

9. What Customers Say: “I’ll know what I want when I see it.”
What Customers Mean: “I don’t know what I want, and chances are I’ll want to see every sample you have before I know what I want.”

10. What Customers Say: “What’s the turn time on that?”
What Customers Mean: “I should have placed this order a few weeks ago, but time got away from me and now I need to get it fast.”

11. What Customers Say: “Let’s change it back to how it was before.”
What Customers Mean: “I know I had a lot of requests, but I’m starting to realize that they didn’t get this to look like I wanted it to and it’s easier not to change.”

Have you heard these customer comments? Are there others that you’ve had to decode? We’d love to see you join the conversation in the comments below.

Coming Soon to Glitter Stock!

Are your customers ready to try something new? Have they been looking for an eyecatching stock that will get them noticed? Do they want to add a touch of luxury to their print order?

Have we got news for you!

Coming soon to is Crystal White Glitter Color Core stock. This new addition pairs the heavyweight thickness and unexpected pop of color that comes from color core stock with the sparkle of a glittered surface! Here’s what you need to know about this new option for announcements, business cards, and postcards.

Get to Know the Sparkle: Crystal White Glitter
The crystal white finish of our glitter stock is more than just sparkly. It has a subtle, iridescent look that adds depth and visual interest to the glitter finish. And we are pleased to note that the glitter stays put on the stock’s surface—this means that it won’t lose its sparkle before it’s been handed to the customer.

The glitter also adds a textured surface to any business card, announcement, or postcard that uses glitter stock, adding an extra touch of tactile appeal. This means that when a design features heavy ink coverage and the glitter itself is covered by that ink, there is an appealing textured surface on those areas.

We are debuting Crystal White Glitter as a color core stock, so not only will your customer’s print order include a striking touch of sparkle but it will also feature their choice of five colored cores. And because of the colored core, Crystal White Glitter Color Core stock will weigh in at an impressive 45pt. thickness that is sure to stand out from the crowd.

Truly New!
We understand that your customers want to stand out, and that’s why we’ve brought glitter stock into our offering! It’s truly new to the personalized print market and will make your customer’s business card, announcement, or postcard stand out even more because of that.

Want to know more? Before this new stock goes live on, you can click here to download a free PDF flyer for more information. Be sure to update your email subscriptions, too, so that you won’t miss out on the email when this new stock is available for purchase.

Are you excited about our new Crystal White Glitter Color Core stock? Do you have customers who have been looking for that bit of extra sparkle? We’d love to see you join the conversation in the comments below.

Back to School? 5 Tips for Improving Your Business Knowledge

back to school typography image on graph paper for a post on business knowledgeThe summer is nearly over, and soon students will be going back to school.

How long has it been since you were in a classroom?

You might be too old for school, but you’re never too old to learn something new! Whether you want to learn something specific or simply explore a new topic, improving your business knowledge is within your grasp. Here are five simple tips for improving your business knowledge.

Make a List of What You Want to Learn
Start with what you want to learn. Do you want to get better at running the books for your business? Do you want to explore new marketing strategies? Do you want to get better at your customer service skills? No matter what you want to learn, take some time to think about the details and make a list. Not only will this help you narrow your focus to the things you want to learn specifically but it also gives you the chance to look at your existing skills in a new way.

Make A Little Time Every Day
Take a look at your schedule—is there a small break during your day that could be used for learning? Whether it’s reading a book chapter over your coffee break or reading new blog articles after dinner, learning a little bit every day is easier than trying to learn it all in one go. And, when you make a little time every day, you can start building good habits that make it easier day by day to carve out that time.

Use Your Rest Time as Learning Time
If you’re having trouble making time to learn, consider the times when your ears are open! If you’re taking a road trip, consider listening to an audiobook or stocking your smartphone with podcasts so you can learn even while you’re driving. Are you taking a trip? Tuck a book on your bag for the plane.

Attend Professional Events
Local companies, business associations, and professional groups might be hosting seminars, forums, or workshops—be sure that you keep up with the events in your area! These events could give you great new insights into marketing strategies or business ideas, and that fresh perspective can be a great learning opportunity.

Take Professional Development Courses
Sometimes, learning might involve actually going back to school! Professional development courses can help you expand your professional skill set, learn something new, or even earn academic credit to put towards a degree. If you’re looking for something particularly affordable and flexible, online training courses are a great option. Traditional universities and training institutions could also be great resources for class availability.

No matter what class you take, be sure to do your homework. Take a look at the instructor’s biography, read reviews, check the syllabus, and do that bit of extra research before making the commitment to the class.

What are your favorite ways to learn something new for your business? We’d love to see your tips in the comments below.