3 of the Top Manufacturing Priorities for 2022

As one of the most essential industries during the pandemic, manufacturers have experienced their share of challenges since early 2020 – from worker shortages and new safety protocols to supply chain issues and rising inflation rates. While it’s unusual to see positive economic gains at the same time as historic labor and supply chain challenges like these, this happens to be the trajectory for the U.S. manufacturing industry emerging from the pandemic. The industry’s recovery gained momentum in 2021 through rising demand. Manufacturing businesses had to respond quickly to the changes in order to survive and thrive. Industrial production and capacity utilization surpassed pre-pandemic levels midyear last year, and coupled with strong increases in new orders for all major subsectors, all signs point to continuing growth.

However, optimism around revenue growth may be held in check by caution from ongoing risks. Workforce shortages and supply chain instability are reducing operational efficiency and margins. Business agility is critical for organizations seeking to operate through the turbulence from an unusually quick economic rebound and to hold the momentum into the next growth period. As manufacturing companies look not only to defend against disruption but strengthen their offense, we examine important trends for you to consider. Our deep dive into three of the industry’s major priorities uncovers the custom print opportunities that provide answers to their needs.

Read on to discover insights to assist you in being a valuable consultant to your manufacturing customers and prospects. Understanding what their priorities are and how you can provide solutions helps you increase engagement, establish solid relationships and boost your sales.

Priority #1 – Hire and retain a skilled workforce

The Great Resignation is real – and a serious concern for employers. According to a recent survey of over 2,000 employed workers, nearly three out of four full-time employees (74%) and more than half of part-time employees (51%) report that they are planning to quit their jobs in 2022. Overall, more than two-thirds of all employed workers (68%) say that they plan to leave their current job in the next 12 months.

Additionally, according to a Jobvite survey, 30% of new employees leave their jobs within the first 90 days of getting hired. A great way manufacturing companies can make a meaningful first impression with new employees is by providing “Welcome Kits” filled with branded essentials like pens, Post-it®️ Notes, coffee mugs, ID badges and t-shirts. Rewarding existing employees with company swag builds loyalty as well.

Here are some ways manufacturers can attract and retain qualified employees amid the staggering manufacturing labor shortages:

  • Draw attention to job fairs and interview locations with Yard Signs, Banners and Feather Flags
  • Spread the word about hiring events with full-color Posters, Flyers and Postcards
  • Keep new hires organized with benefits and training materials in Presentation Folders
  • Recognize employee milestones and accomplishments with acrylic, wood and metal Plaques and Awards
  • Ensure compliance with state and federal labor law requirements, with a Labor Law Poster Subscription Service

All of the above help attract talent and create a workplace culture that makes employees want to stay.

Priority #2 – Workplace safety

Keeping employees safe and healthy helps manufacturers avoid the detrimental costs of lost productivity. Workplaces with successful safety and health management systems reduce injury and illness costs 20-40%. OSHA experts estimate that companies spend $170 billion each year on costs associated with workplace injuries and illnesses. These expenditures come straight out of a company’s profits and can impact sustainability.

Successful operations require clear communication whether in a warehouse, factory, loading yard or shipping area, or even in a break room. Clearly communicating where materials are located, providing warnings and offering regulatory guidance on site or instructions on machine operation is key. Keeping communications up-to-date is also important as processes may change with fresh inventory or a new machine, or there may be new critical notifications.

Here are some ways manufacturers can promote a safe and healthy work environment:

  • Clearly mark walkways, restricted areas and social distancing requirements with durable full-color Floor Decals
  • Provide reminders about health and safety expectations with full color Signs, Posters and Banners in break rooms and public areas
  • Inform and direct employees and visitors with engraved Directional, ADA, Desk and Wall Signage
  • Post safety notices on equipment with full-color Outdoor Labels, Reflective Labels, Tech Decals and Magnetic Signs
  • Promote safety messages and certifications on Hard Hat Labels

Appropriate warehouse signage may be the most effectual and low-cost way to improve operational efficiency. Unfortunately, many facilities haven’t taken the time or effort to evaluate, improve or correctly implement signage for their workers or guests. This is a lost opportunity. Today, savings and a faster production time can mean the difference between profit and loss, therefore there has never been a better time to implement or update a manufacturer’s signage program.

Consider if the signs are resilient enough for the environment they are posted in. For many production environments, a paper sign just won’t last. A sign that will deliver reliable information over time is needed. This means using a durable material designed to endure even in potentially wet, dry, cold, toxic or dangerous environments.

Floor signage is another vital element. The floors in the manufacturing industry are large blank slates – however, the right signage is imperative. Take the environment into consideration with decals, stickers and signs made of slip-resistant material. If the area is wet, a sign on the floor can be a slip hazard. Readability is an important aspect. Depending on the lighting, a glossy or matte finish is needed to make the sign easy to read and not be distracting. Not all signs are created equal. We can help ensure you have a sign that lasts and works for each individual facility or area.

Priority #3 – Production and operational efficiencies

Manufacturers looking to capture growth and protect long-term profitability should embrace bringing operational efficiencies to scale and find production and cost efficiencies within all operations including the business offices. Administrative staff members are often stretched to the limit, so taking steps to make ordering, approving and re-ordering of a company’s printed materials quick, cost-effective and consistent is important. These operational efficiencies can be achieved by implementing a branded ordering site, as well as through custom forms and office supplies.

Here are some ways manufacturers can drive efficiency in business operations:

  • Custom Business Forms give a branded and professional image to job applications, HR forms, invoices, order forms and requisitions
  • Minimize repetitive messaging with a custom Stamp or Dater
  • Identify plant visitors with fluorescent Visitor Badge Labels
  • Custom Checks and Tax Forms simplify AP, payroll and tax processing
  • Locate warehouse items efficiently with Rack Labels

Fortunately, the manufacturing industry is building back fast, undeterred by significant labor and supply chain challenges. To maintain this momentum, reflect on the trends and then offer solutions to help your manufacturer customers and prospects mitigate loss and risks and advance efficiency. Manufacturers who see the value in investing in their hiring/retention programs, employee safety and well-being, operational efficiency and vendor management programs will have a distinct advantage while emerging from the current environment.

 Actions you can take today

  1. Subscribe to local or regional business publications. Business publications often highlight new and upcoming businesses, and announce changes such as mergers and expansions.
  2. Join your local Chamber of Commerce. Volunteer for the board or help with events to connect better with manufacturers in your region.
  3. Offer a complimentary audit of a business’s printed materials to evaluate consistency in branding and messaging, print quality and ordering efficiency.


How we can help

When it comes to vendors – less is more! Forming a strategic relationship with a print partner who can supply everything from Business Stationery and Forms to Signage, Labels and Packaging can lead to efficiency gains, optimized costs and stronger business outcomes. We offer a wide range of print solutions to help you consult and support your manufacturer customers so they can successfully navigate many of these operational challenges. Our sales support materials and industry research will help you start conversations and turn challenges into advantages so you too can recognize sales growth. We’ve compiled support materials like A Marketing Field Guide to Manufacturing & Packagingproduct images, Manufacturing & Packaging social toolkit, and valuable Manufacturing & Packaging Dollop content that you can use to go to market today. Check it all out here.

Consultative Selling to Your Real Estate Clients – What Really Matters to Them?

Rarely has there been a better time to concentrate some selling efforts within the real estate market. This industry is ranked number six on Printing Impressions Top 25 Hot Markets for Printing. Homebuilders and realtors could surpass $8B in print buying in 2022, so now is prime time to start some conversations.

It’s all in the consultation

Today, successful sellers act as trusted advisors to their buyers to help them find the best solutions. By adopting a consultative selling strategy, Distributors create value in the sales process and benefit from better results, more conversions, greater customer affinity and more referrals. To make it a little easier to be that consultant to your clients in the real estate vertical market, we’ve summarized some useful data to draw from. Understanding what it is your customers and prospects are faced with will give you a leg up in your engagement with them.

Their major priorities

The top five concerns within the current real estate market are driven primarily by the evolving consumer landscape that has taken place within the last two years. Each are significant to the industry right now and altogether reflect opportunities for your consultation and problem-solving.

  • Reaching new audiences is critical as the industry sees demographic shifts that are giving way to a new generation of homebuyers.
  • Communicating how they are staying on top of lifestyle changes – like remote work, in-home spas and meditation spaces for example – assures audiences that they are on the cutting-edge of shifts in needs and preferences.
  • Showing up strong with personalized communications to existing and prospective clients is imperative in order to keep messaging relevant and more relatable.
  • Rising above the competition and a clear demonstration of going “above and beyond” strengthens relationships and makes long-lasting impressions.
  • Putting in significant relationship-building efforts further enhances the client’s buying and selling experience.

Solutions that matter

Print advertising has been a mainstay in the real estate vertical market, helping to reach, relate, inform and impress. It has served as a pillar in resolving the needs of the industry and there are several reasons why it shows no signs of going away anytime soon:

  • Realtors can’t afford not to spend some dough on advertising if they’re banking on long-term viability for their business.
  • Print marketing keeps advertising costs affordable. Less dough, more ROI.
  • Print is ideal for effectively promoting existing listings.
  • Personal cards and gifts make staying in touch easy and meaningful.
  • The more exposure realtors get, the better.
  • Direct mail has mighty sales boosting power.
  • Print helps amplify one’s niche and environmentally responsible practices.

Next level marketing

An enormous migration to electronic media has caused the email inboxes of both buyers and sellers to be bombarded with countless offerings and homes for sale. The digital noise is deafening. Luckily the top print products not only effectively cut through the noise, but also take real estate marketing to the next level. These examples are not just the most popular items, they’re the ones with a high rate of return on investment:

  • Brand Identity – business cards and stationery set the tone, convey professionalism and can double as eco-friendly reminders
  • Direct Mail – The #1 way to reach new buyers and sellers; postcards are economical and versatile
  • Marketing Materials – folders, brochures, booklets, rack cards, door hangers and flyers are effective tools for on-site marketing
  • Custom Signage – interior and exterior signage products draw attention, provide direction and boost brand awareness
  • Labels – used for advertising, identifying, informing and branding
  • Promotional Products – branded apparel, drinkware, writing instruments and bags make long-lasting brand impressions
  • Custom Forms – branded, multi-part forms streamline processes, inform clients and meet compliance requirements

Listen and Learn

Consultative selling is about helping folks find answers. Salespeople who take the time to fully understand their buyers’ needs and challenges are in the best position to recommend the right solutions. Asking open-ended questions happens to be the best way to uncover the real motivation for buying. Not only will the consultative salesperson continue to learn more about their prospect’s challenges and obstacles, they will also be rewarded with satisfied, loyal customers. Be the hero that knows how to help them get started with printing high-quality, effective materials to really shine in the marketplace.

The takeaway

Real estate professionals know the importance of marketing their business and their client’s listings. High-quality print products are immensely important to your customers and prospects in the real estate industry, and having an inferior product will likely decrease their closure rate as a realtor or broker.

We have done our research and developed marketing assets to assist you in your sales opportunities within this top industry. We’ve compiled top print products for the Real Estate market and are offering free sales support materials including:

Check it all out here. Don’t wait, get your free sales materials today. These resources can be used by YOU to email your customers, post on YOUR social pages, take with you to a presentation, mailed directly, presented via virtual meeting, and more.

How Print Catapults the Success of Tradeshows & Events

Nearly every industry and market that you serve either participates in, hosts, or attends tradeshows and events. Events are a beneficial way to grow sales because they combine exposure to a large number of potential leads with the ability to interact personally. Events offer big benefits to businesses of any size and keep brands relevant in their industry. Driving event success in order to net positive gains is key. Understanding the predominant needs of your clients when it comes to attending or hosting events will assist you in helping them achieve the greatest success. Read on to discover the major priorities of event planners, top print products essential for events, and what topics to cover in your conversations to increase engagement and boost your sales.

What takes precedence?

When it comes to event planning, creating a meaningful experience for attendees tops the list of major priorities. Pre-event communications, like direct mail, set the stage in building anticipation and informing attendees of necessary details. Once onsite, the overall aura of the event, both visually and experientially, should feel welcoming and beneficial to the attendee. Safety must be well-communicated, covering not just pathogens and personal space, but preparedness for physical safety too. Structuring an environment that focuses on the safety of attendees is paramount. Signage plays an important role in informing, directing, and building trust. Posters, banners, floor decals, and swag bags keep the momentum going. Following-up right after and continuing the conversation long past the event not only make the event more meaningful for attendees but also serve to build loyalty and brand recognition that pays off big time down the road.

Essential print products

Emphasizing the theme of the event and encouraging engagement throughout every aspect of it helps in developing new and cultivating existing relationships. Done right, events establish brands as industry thought-leaders and educate potential customers about the industry, products, or services. All of this requires printed materials, and the top print products for events include:

  • Banners – welcome attendees, capture attention, and add visual appeal to the space
  • Postcards – perfect for save-the-dates, promoting registrations and sending reminders and messages of thanks
  • Floor Decals – apply step-by-step directions as well as clever branding concepts
  • Portable Signage – interior and exterior signage like retractable banners, A-Frames, and magnets draw attention, provide direction and boost brand awareness
  • Yard Signs – bring people in, create awareness and promote enthusiasm for the event
  • Labels – a top way to identify and differentiate as well as build and communicate company brands
  • Apparel – events aren’t events without wearables like t-shirts and polo shirts that not only promote brands but offer residual marketing goods that people appreciate

 What you need to consider before your sales call

Both exhibiting at and hosting events are ideal strategies for building brand awareness, establishing a brand as major player in the industry, and launching new products and services. Having a solid game plan and creative ideas will help you better support your clients. Here are a few game-changers to consider:

  • A strong visual presence separates a company from all the other booths at the event.
  • A solid plan to engage those attending events virtually is a must. Send swag bags in advance to the virtual guests and provide their event materials in branded presentation folders.
  • To attract quality leads, align marketing materials with the audience of each specific event, keeping the content relevant and personalized.
  • During a trade show or event, you have approximately 10 – 15 minutes to “wow” attendees. Make their experience memorable with company branded brochures and product handouts.
  • Start marketing at least sixty days prior to the event and integrate campaigns with social media to increase interest and create a buzz.

How to get started

To get rolling in the events space, there are a few things you can do right away:

  1. Consult your local Chamber of Commerce, schools, and Universities to learn of upcoming events. Talk to colleagues, event planners, current customers, and industry influencers to gain additional insight on what events might be on the horizon.
  2. Have a booth of your own. Participate in a show of an industry you serve. It’s a great way to gain exposure and acquire new clients.
  3. Compile a list. Begin inquiring about events with your current customer base during day-to-day interactions. Screen prospects for those likely to attend or host an event.

The takeaway

A well-planned event with cohesive, branded print materials that illuminate the theme will undoubtedly leave a lasting impression and foster enthusiasm for the next engagement. To help you make some traction in the Tradeshows & Events industry and grow your sales, we’ve compiled support materials like Tradeshow & Events marketing flyers, product images, Tradeshow & Events social toolkit, and valuable Tradeshow & Event Industry Dollop content that you can use to go to market today. Check it all out here.


2022’s Optimistic Travel Industry Forecast is Great for Print

Positivity is taking off as the travel industry shows signs of not just recovering, but growing stronger than ever. Roger Dow, CEO of the U.S. Travel Association offered an optimistic outlook for the industry in a recent State of the Travel Industry address, stating, “We will bounce back much more quickly than economists predict, because of a robust policy agenda and a clear strategy.” That strategy, he said, includes strengthening the workforce and restoring jobs; facilitating seamless and secure travel; highlighting the future of travel mobility; prioritizing sustainability; and focusing on diversity, equity, and inclusion “to create an industry that works for everyone.”

Dow’s strategy cannot be accomplished without the utility of print to communicate, inform, promote and highlight. Consider the industry’s major priorities such as helping travelers to feel safe, and emphasizing sustainability and commitment to the environment. Each requires printed materials that highlight protocols and illuminate promises.

What the data tells us

We spent a little time diving into the research data and discovered what’s trending within the travel industry these days. MMGY Travel Intelligence reports that 71% of U.S. adults plan to take a domestic vacation in the next six months. Destination Analysts echoes the optimistic outlook revealing that more Americans than ever – since the onset of the pandemic – plan to take at least one leisure trip in the next 12 months (93.3%). Nearly half of American travelers say that travel will be a high priority in their budget over the next 3 months and the mean reported annual travel budget is $3,746. In the U.S., high-income households are saving 10-20% more now than before the pandemic and such people are eager to spend their money on travel.

Keeping it clean

Consumer demand for increased COVID-19 safety and cleanliness can be found in abundance across survey responses. Regaining the trust of travelers after global contagion means airlines and hotel companies need to demonstrate that the physical well-being of customers and employees alike is a top priority. There are numerous ways travel companies can put their customers at ease through the utility of print:

  • Providing assurance that accommodations have been thoroughly cleaned and sanitized with custom Post-it® Notes
  • Communicating passenger safety requirements for vehicle rentals and public transportation with Repositionable Window and Wall Decals
  • Using Door Hangers for parking passes or to make no-contact housekeeping requests

Bucket-list worthy

More than ever, travelers are craving meaningful experiences. Fewer and fewer people may be settling for commonplace vacation activities in the coming years. Instead, “consumers [will] pursue authentic experiences, distancing themselves from mainstream tourism providers and venturing into pastimes that feel more meaningful.” Print helps make the experience more memorable:

  • Adding a personal touch with a handwritten welcome or thank-you note on a folded Note Card
  • Using variable data to personalize Direct Mail pieces with the recipient’s name and travel preferences
  • Making use of QR codes on Marketing Materials to drive the user to websites or social media pages for current promotions, weather conditions or online booking

But is it eco-friendly?

Travelers are also getting serious about sustainability. 83% of global travelers think sustainable travel is vital, with 61% saying the pandemic has made them want to travel more sustainably in the future. According to Booking.com, 81% of travelers say they want to stay in a sustainable accommodation in the upcoming year. Once again, print is an informer and a problem-solver:

  • Highlighting eco-friendly practices in marketing materials such as full-color Trifold Brochures or Presentation Folders with Stepped Inserts
  • Choosing recycled or recyclable stocks for custom printed products whenever possible – and stating so on the product
  • Using Full Color or Engraved Signage to direct guests to recycling receptacles – and to encourage other eco-friendly behaviors during their visit

The takeaway

The travel industry is ripe for growth. The strategy is set. The travelers are ready, and they have an agenda. This is where your consultative sales skills enter the scene. Understanding your travel industry customer’s priorities and their market challenges allows you to respond with a slam dunk. To aid in your process, we’ve created The Marketing Field Guide to Travel & Leisure, which focuses on three top segments of the travel industry – Accommodations, Experiences, and Transportation. This booklet is full of customer insights, useful data, product suggestions and marketing ideas. You can find the Travel & Leisure booklet on our Travel & Leisure page along with a Travel & Leisure Industry Dollop, a Travel & Leisure Social Toolkit, and Marketing Images to help you promote your solutions and engage with your customers in the travel industry.

We’re here for you

Ready to jump-start selling into specific industries? Our monthly content calendar offers sales and marketing materials you can use to email your customers, post on your social pages, take with you to a presentation, mail directly, present via virtual meeting and more. Included are links to support materials such as marketing flyers, product images, and valuable content that you can use as-is or create your own custom messaging.

Major Changes Shaking Up the Healthcare Industry

A large part of how we support our distributor partners involves taking into account predicted trends for the upcoming year within a variety of vertical markets. As we look forward to a new year, it is apparent the competition will be fierce and those with solid sales strategies will excel. We’re taking a close look at what big changes this new year brings for healthcare organizations and what that means for our distributors.

Healthcare marketing budgets are up

Out of the main types of healthcare companies in the U.S., including categories like pharmaceutical manufacturers and medical device firms, biotech companies had the highest marketing budgets. Nevertheless, all have increased their marketing spend in the last couple of years. On average, the marketing budgets of healthcare companies in the country grew by almost two million dollars. Great news for our industry is the added fact that in general, the healthcare sector tends to focus more on advertising by way of traditional media rather than digital, at least on a local level. This means more print sales for you.

Healthcare continues to consolidate and run as a business

Many industries have been seriously affected in the last couple of years, while vertical markets like healthcare continue to forge ahead impacted in a very different way. Increased demand, as well as mergers and expansions, have brought marketing opportunities for rebranding, open house events, and other communications and promotions. Loyalty programs, direct mail, and promotional products will be increasingly needed. Print marketing has been deemed the most effective marketing strategy for products and services in the healthcare sector. This is due in large part to how hard it is to convince consumers to trust a brand’s product or service just by reading an online ad. However, studies show that most consumers trust printed material far above digital, especially in the healthcare market. The power of print marketing cannot be overemphasized in this industry.

People are seeking integrated healthcare systems

The alternative healthcare sector provides a variety of health services such as acupuncture, naturopathy and homeopathy, meditation, yoga, massage, and much more. The practitioners in this industry had typically operated private or group practices in their own offices, however, due to the pandemic, industry revenue fell significantly when practitioners were unable to offer in-person services. As restrictions lessen, industry revenue has surged as patients quell their pent-up demand for alternative services. The industry has returned to robust growth and at the same time, more insurance companies and employers have recognized the benefit of covering alternative healthcare.

The forecast

As this expansion continues, more practices are landing in the facilities of others, such as hospitals and medical centers because today’s healthcare consumers are seeking out integrated systems and they want convenience. They want easier access to the services they are looking for, when and where they need them. Demand for alternative healthcare is expected to continue over the next five years as a result of increasingly favorable attitudes toward industry services and favorable demographic trends. In particular, the aging population, facing the mounting incidence of disability that accompanies old age, is expected to bolster demand for alternative services. More importantly, the growing acceptance and expanding coverage of these services will drive industry growth. As consumers look more to integrated healthcare systems — where they also have access to retail, urgent care, primary care, and hospitals — traditional hospital systems and large group practices will feel the pressure to expand their services.

What does this expansion mean for our distributors?

Marketing and advertising is expected to take up a significant chunk of budgets as enterprises must promote their businesses rather than just rely on word of mouth. Having a clear understanding of the most important keys for success for this industry – like creating a stellar reputation, developing a symbiotic relationship with other healthcare providers, educating the wider community and generating a loyal customer base – will help you speak directly to their needs. It is also a great exercise in observing the opportunities for print within each key and aligning products and services to meet your client’s objectives.

The Research Dollop

To further expand your familiarity and expertise within the healthcare industry, we’ve created a research dollop for your use. By exploring the predominant needs of the industry and considering the practical sales tactics offered, this educational asset will assist you in either breaking into or further penetrating this worthwhile industry. Taking into account the industry’s major priorities, the most-ordered print products, and reviewing tips on what to say, the healthcare dollop gives you valuable insights and tangible conversation starters. It aligns healthcare marketing objectives with products and services for you to sell to support expanding alternative healthcare, as well as branding opportunities in other growth areas such as non-emergency procedures, and urgent care centers. Additionally, you’ll find questions to ask and the top action steps you can take right away to increase engagement and boost your sales.

The takeaway

Print marketing has had a long-standing alliance with healthcare and it proves to be the best way to stand out in a crowded media landscape. Physical ads and printed pieces have more impact and emotional weight than digital marketing and end up being decisive factors for consumers contemplating healthcare providers. With print marketing, prospective customers can get more details and develop an emotional and subconscious affiliation with the brand. Utilizing various print marketing tactics with all they have to offer is a perfect way for your customers in the healthcare sector to generate new leads and increase brand awareness.

Our newly updated healthcare flyer for the healthcare industry is now available and our healthcare industry dollop has up-to-date information regarding selling to healthcare, designed to help you position yourself as a thought leader and problem solver in this market. For social posts or your website, we have a healthcare social toolkit that you can use to copy, paste and post.

Staying on top of market trends and industry conditions gives us the means to help you make the most of identified opportunities. Rely on us as your go-to resource for thought-leadership and innovation. We’re here to support your efforts in delivering the best customer experiences, giving your customers what they need, and addressing topics important to them.

Program Selling to the Financial Services Industry

From direct mail outreach to in-branch brochures, and from outdoor and indoor signage to handouts at trade shows and events, banks and credit unions continue to need copious amounts of printed materials. Print communications remain powerful marketing tools for the financial services industry, yet streamlining ordering and maintaining brand cohesiveness between branches prove to be hurdles many have yet to master.

All the feels

Because print advertising connects more on an emotional level with readers than digital, it continues to be the go-to medium of financial services companies. It offers readers a chance to linger over product and service messaging in a way that other channels don’t. Print advertising provides prospects a tangible way to engage with the brand message.

  • Print lasts longer (digital ads disappear in seconds)
  • Print is viewed as more trustworthy
  • Print is cost-effective

However, there is without question a significant focus on online banking, and digital access to banks has increased greatly. Accordingly, mixed marketing such as a postcard with a QR code or Bitly link to online banking will help provide direct access to products and services.

Time to think like a financial services company
What do you suppose keeps their marketing decision-makers up at night? For larger institutions, they may be considering the demand for consistency across multiple branches, indicating the need for a program solution that ensures uniformity in messaging, seamless installation and access to additional products. For medium and small institutions, they may be contemplating local business investments, signifying the need for a collaborator like you to partner with them. They may also be looking to the local chamber of commerce to bring in more opportunities and to demonstrate the value of such investments to the community. For maximum trajectory, think mailing campaigns, vibrant signage, and community canvassing, as well as developing investment guides and infographics depicting top areas of growth.

Here are more ways to get into the minds of your financial services clients:

Trust is numero uno.
Every one of your financial services company clients will tell you that ensuring their customers or members feel trust in their financial institution is priority number one. This includes trusting that both their personal AND financial well-being are being looked after. Refining branch-to-branch and branch-to-member information flows while quickly distributing new collateral based on changing interest rates and economic conditions is paramount to a financial services company’s success. They also lock in that trust by maintaining a positive perception and core position in the community while upholding compliance and regulatory mandates across print.

Renewal and revitalization matter.
More than ever communities are thinking local (shopping, supporting, frequenting) and banks often support “Shop Small” sponsorships or local events to further promote their role in the community. Events require communication efforts, signage, giveaways, apparel and residual marketing products. Special financing, payment forgiveness and small business loans are a few examples of advertising offers that banks and credit unions will consider as an important part of recovery efforts.

Branch distribution is a big deal.
When they roll out a program, financial services companies want their vendors to help coordinate the distribution of their products and may require kitting and project management. Both standardization and compliance are very important across branches, but often your bank and credit union clients don’t have the internal staffing to ensure proper installation and execution. This works to your advantage … with our help, you can really deliver the goods here.

Going online is inevitable.
While digital marketing tactics aren’t as touchy-feely as print and can quite honestly leave bank customers and credit union members cold, online banking is certainly the preferred choice for most, and we don’t see this changing. At the same time, having a local presence is important to a financial services company’s growth. Therefore, maintaining a consistent brand image across all mediums (print, online, signage, promo, apparel, business identity, folders, etc.) is crucial for connecting the digital world to their local community.

A holistic approach

This is where multi-product selling (or program selling) makes its grand entrance. Whether starting small with individual product sales and then building on the offering over time, or introducing a whole suite of cohesively branded products to their financial industry customers, our distributors can really bank on our technology platform designed for program selling. Let’s walk through some case studies that really illustrate the benefit of our solutions:

  1. A large financial institution wanted to deepen relationships between their lending officers and customers by personalizing essential documents. With custom printed Post-it® Note business cards and notecards, the company achieved its marketing objectives without a costly overhaul of existing print collateral. The custom adhesive notes included the lending officer’s contact information and photo, and could be applied to all communications with the customer. As a result, lenders used fewer of their higher-cost business cards, reducing overall print spend. Personalizing generic financial documents with custom branded adhesive cards allowed lending teams to engage with their clients and community.
  2. A distributor just getting started in selling print placed their initial orders manually because they were not very confident with the medium, let alone Navitor.com. Eventually they progressed to placing a couple of orders on Navitor.com and quickly realized just how easy it was to simplify and streamline the ordering process – especially around improving timeliness. As they kept working with their client, they discovered five more locations that were going to need similar branded products, and decided that time/order management could potentially become a bottleneck. We set up a white label ordering platform that their client can order from directly. This program started with a few orders for five-dollar name badges and will likely mature to a five-digit sales growth within a year. The program includes business cards, badges, envelopes, letterhead, presentation folders, decals, labels and more.
  3. Brand control on a large assortment of products was a challenge for one company that faced a surge in requests from their clients looking for ways to mitigate the impact of the pandemic. The need for communication and marketing materials increased exponentially. With the rapid increase, the company realized they needed to lock down brand standards. Working with Navitor on product fulfillment and utilizing our online ordering platform customized to meet the specifics of their organization saved the day. Locations can log on and order their pre-branded business stationery, their new customer kits and the rest of their marketing materials.
  4. Technology integration and brand control were sticking points for one distributor’s large client with 2,000 locations. They were having difficulty maintaining brand standards and controlling expenses since each location was ordering their print ad hoc from various vendors. After the client established their own brand portal to centralize sourcing, it was vital to find a print provider that could integrate quickly with their existing e-store ordering platform. By partnering with Navitor, the distributor was able to spin-up an ordering platform that incorporates brand compliance and efficient ordering while controlling the quality and brand conformity of the end product. In addition, the client has sourced several additional print items Navitor produces, resulting in BIG business for our distributor.

Content you can count on

Our newly updated flyer for the financial services industry is available here, and our industry dollop has up-to-date information regarding selling to financials, designed to help you position yourself as a thought leader and problem solver in this market. For social posts you can copy, paste and post from your social media accounts in order to prompt conversations, click here.

We are keeping our fingers on the pulse of the financial services industry and are working on your behalf to provide useful content and relevant solutions to keep you selling. Staying on top of market trends and industry conditions gives us the means to help you deliver the best customer experiences. To make sure you’re giving your customers what they need and addressing topics important to them, rely on us as your go-to resource for thought leadership and innovation.

The Silver Lining in Supply Chain Disruption

Levels of change and uncertainty beyond compare in the global business community have affected the commercial print market. Surging demand, supply chain disruptions and sharply rising costs have significantly altered the economics of our business. North America’s pulp and paper industry in particular is experiencing a supply/demand imbalance that has raised prices, increased input costs and left some markets unable to produce enough product to keep pace with demand. As we enter the final quarter of 2021, all segments of manufacturing are impacted by record-long raw material lead times. Here we briefly summarize the major factors at work in our industry and how they are affecting the cost and timing of the products we deliver. The following factors are having a direct impact on manufacturing operations:

Extended deliveries
Delivery delays have become commonplace on raw materials and finished goods and are expected to continue for several months. There are several reasons for this:

  • A shortage of drivers is the main contributor to extended delivery times.
  • On average, there are five shipments that need coverage for every one driver.
  • The demand for ocean transportation has increased 30% and outpaced supply due to container shortages. This has resulted in long delays, port congestion and significant cost increases.

Material constraints and allocations amid surging demand
The demand for raw materials has reached historic levels, causing manufacturers to experience bottlenecks in their supply chains. Certain substrates are becoming increasingly difficult to source and are even subject to allocation restrictions in some cases. Though expected to normalize as the months pass, certain supply restrictions and allocations currently still apply.

Rising costs
Most material suppliers (labels, paper, films, adhesives, packaging, pallets, etc.) have announced significant price increases with more expected yet this year. NBSK pulp prices are at their highest point in the past two decades, having climbed steadily over the past three months.

Mitigating the disruption
By working together, there are a few things we can do collaboratively to curtail cost increases and maintain product availability:

  1. Demand preparedness – ask your Navitor Print Coach for prepaid inventory if you need a specific stock
  2. Ordering – get future orders submitted in a timely manner and plan for extended lead times
  3. Risk mitigation – be available to review and approve alternative materials where appropriate to increase supply chain flexibility
  4. Back-up plans – ensure multiple backup or overflow printers are ready for you
  5. Communicate – have conversations with your customers to inform them of price changes

We know that your customers are important to you. You want to make a good impression. You need products on time and with excellent quality. We get it. We’ve extended our hours, added experts to our team, and have more inventory ready for you than we’ve ever had – all to mitigate these supply chain challenges. Yet the picture is changing daily and you may experience a 1- to 2-day delay based on this increased demand. Want to go faster? There are ways to make that happen:

  1. Order online from Navitor.com. Forgot your password? Link here or contact us.
  2. Stay at the front of the line. Include all the necessary information in your original quote request! We have an online request form for custom requests.
  3. Upgrade your shipping. The Post Office implemented its slowdown on October 1st.

We’re here to help you drive more sales. We know the supply chain is making business more challenging than ever, but we have more inventory than ever. We are ready for you. Because circumstances change daily, talk to us about print and stock options to make your orders come through faster.

The silver lining
Can supply chain disruptions actually make you MORE competitive? Yes. Our latest webinar illustrates how. In “6 Strategies for Navigating Supply Chain Disruptions” we reveal ways to use print to catapult sales in a disrupted market.

Content you can count on
Our newly updated Supply Chain Thought Leadership piece has up-to-date information regarding our supply chain, pricing and recommended articles to help you remain resilient in a disrupted market.

The takeaway
Rest assured, we are monitoring the supply chain situation continuously and we are working on your behalf to minimize the impact of these issues. Staying on top of market trends and industry conditions gives us the means to help you deliver the best customer experiences. To make sure you’re giving your customers what they need and addressing topics important to them, rely on us as your go-to resource for thought leadership and innovation.

Younger Generation Agree: Print is Cool

We live in a digital world. This leads many to ponder, has digital dependence made print irrelevant? Not one bit. Devices are smarter, delivery is faster, everything is more tech-driven and the whole shebang is more connected. And so, we’ve wound up with an increased focus placed on digital-driven tactics and marketing strategies. But that has created grossly oversaturated digital channels. The end result? Media-bombarded consumers who are resistant to marketing messages.

The revival of print in the digital age
While we use digital communications more and more for everyday interactions, some products and experiences just can’t be digitized and in that rests the importance of print marketing. There’s a plethora of research that finds a significant difference between communicating through tangible, printed materials and communicating through digital means. The proof is in the data:


  • Easier to comprehend
  • Minds are less likely to wander
  • Has nearly zero distractions
  • Outperforms digital
  • Easier to engage with content
  • Retention greatly improved
  • Best for training and education


  • Harder to comprehend
  • Triggers wandering minds
  • Contains loads of distractions
  • Most screens interfere with the navigation of text
  • Causes stress and exhaustion
  • Scrolling is mentally draining
  • Readers must move + comprehend text simultaneously

In addition to all the research data findings, because our eyes are mostly straining to look at screens for hours on end for work alone, the joy of printed material becomes much more appealing. Since early 2020, lockdowns and isolation has further promoted the increasing dependency on our digital devices making people crave authenticity and a human connection – and print marketing is just the thing that helps make brand connections in a tangible and memorable way.

The “in-thing” for Millennials
Workplaces today have computers throughout, and companies rely heavily on cloud services. Yet many industries still depend on print media for marketing, communication and other important functions like training and education. And let’s not forget about print’s appeal when it comes to generations younger than Boomers and Gen Xers. Today, Millennials are the largest generation in America’s workforce and it’s predicted by 2025 they will comprise 75 percent of the global workforce. Fortunately, print is becoming increasingly popular with them and subsequent generations. When thinking of Millennials and Gen Zers, most conjure up images of folks glued to their phones, however, data shows print media holds an important place in their day-to-day lives.

Studies show that Millennials spend more time reading their mail than any other generation. Adweek reports that 92% of college students prefer reading printed materials to digital material. Even generations that grew up in a digital world are not nearly as print-adverse as people may think. In fact, while all generations have gravitated to more and more online shopping, at the same time, everyone – regardless of birth year – is much more likely to trust information in print media versus that published in digital formats.

With the sheer volume of information overload at the digital level, print media separates companies and brands from the crowd. Print materials are seen more because they are seldom ignored and not deleted as we so often do with digital content. Print advertising also provides a broader customer experience, one that allows for a deeper level of engagement than that of fleeting, digital stuff.

Cool defined: fly, swank, chic, mod
To mark the significance of print and promote the use of it, Print Drives America Foundation’s national advocacy initiative includes a “PRINT IS COOL” ad that helps get the word out about the digital fatigue that is upon us and how print media like direct mail and advertising inserts are preferred over the interruption of digital advertising. Their message is simple and to the point: Print is cool, and yes, all ages really like the enhanced experience of printed products! Files for the ads are available to all, printers, vendors and publications. The ads may be customized with their own company signatures. Visit pialliance.org/print-drives-america-foundation/ to download files. Posters and mailing pieces are also available.

The takeaway
While digital connections escalate, so does scroll fatigue. Print can provide an opportune and much-needed screen break that effectively complements and strengthens marketing campaigns. There’s no question print marketing is still cool after all these years. Things like direct mail, product inserts, specialty packaging, displays and promotional products – when used in conjunction with digital touchpoints – can help amplify a brand’s reach. It’s an ideal time to recognize the crucial role that print media plays in every aspect of life and take advantage of the various ways it can be used to promote company and business initiatives in a way that’s more intriguing, captivating and readily absorbed.

Emerging Technologies Keep the Print Industry On Top

Print has a long history. Perfected and ready for commercial use in 1450, the Gutenberg press owed much to the medieval paper press, which was modeled after the ancient wine-and-olive press of the Mediterranean area. Picture the first press operators using a long handle to crank a heavy wooden screw, exerting downward pressure against the paper that was placed over the type mounted on a wooden plate. The wooden press reigned supreme for more than 300 years, and had a rate of about 250 sheets per hour printed on one side.

Using print as a practice to sell things also emerged in the mid-fifteenth century. The earliest surviving printed advertisement in English is said to be an ad for a newly printed book. In 1476, Britain’s first printer produced not just the manual for priests called Sarum Pie, but easily portable, playing card-sized advertisements for the book, as well.

The printing press and subsequent technological advances related to paper manufacturing and distribution led to the establishment of print as the first mass medium. And despite the advent of many other forms of mass media, print is still a reigning champion as a channel for information and promotion.

After the U.S. postal system was established in 1775, it took several decades before the brilliance of combining print and mail took hold. The American Anti-Slavery Society printed and mailed marketing materials to religious and civic leaders in the South in 1835. This is likely the first direct mail campaign. They created a mailing list from public sources like names in newspapers and city directories.

Many retailers and service providers started using “circulars” as a mail order marketing strategy to develop their sales efforts in the 1860s. Here are some of the other early direct mail marketing participants:

  • The New York Life Insurance Company began direct mailings as early as 1872.
  • That same year, Montgomery Ward and Company became the first mail-order business to make a fortune through retail sales, beginning with a simple one-page catalog featuring 163 items.
  • Soon after Montgomery Ward’s success, Sears began mailing flyers for watches to rural customers. These flyers evolved into 500-page catalogs that shipped to more than 300,000 homes. This process revolutionized how to buy goods. No matter where they lived, customers could be contacted directly to buy products.
  • The National Cash Register Company was also enamored with direct mail, dispatching almost four million pieces of printed material to prospects in the late 1800s.
  • The Book-of-the-Month Club began in 1926.

Today, we have over 40,000 post offices, and the postal service delivers more than 200 billion pieces of mail each year to over 144 million homes and businesses nationwide.

You may think high-tech is for other industries and not much has changed with print since the earliest days of the print and direct mail boom, but not so fast – as high-tech advances have spread across the business spectrum over the past several decades, the printing industry is one of its many beneficiaries.

We’ve compiled a list of a few notable technological advancements in print worth mentioning:

Alignment advancements
Front-to-back registration is complicated, time-consuming and tricky for even the savviest print operators. Today, advanced passes can perform this once manual routine in either a fully automatic or semi-automatic way.

Automation is revolutionizing printing and removing countless human-led errors that impact throughput and profit margins.

Color and toner technology
Automatic color technology can make a huge difference to bottom lines and finished products. New tech now checks for stability and density, and the new generation of toner uses emulsion aggregation to lower costs, sharpen image quality and reduce energy usage.

Digital print
The digital world creates a fresh set of variables for printing with new ways of production, color management enhancement, the requirement of more sophisticated management of information, consideration for DPI resolution and extended color gamut, and variations in press speeds with high-speed digital print on demand.

Exact reproduction
While four-color print has been around for over 100 years, today’s advanced technology allows us to end up with much sharper images with far more capability to reproduce exactly what the job requires.

Faster presses
Speeds of up to 100 ppm can now be achieved with the new generation of presses – even with card stocks or coated paper.

 Image enhancing
Formerly, you’d have to source optimum quality photos for every print job, but with new presses that offer built-in tools for image enhancement, the printer can automatically improve lower quality imagery. Brightness and color adjustments can also be made by the print devices themselves on the fly, resulting in a higher quality print every time.

New print technology enables us to automate workflows that were previously carried out manually, executing complex jobs and automating the entire process so the job completes perfectly.

Getting “phygital”
Electronic paper and digitization have not hampered the development of technological innovations in the printing industry. In fact, the confluence of print with digital platforms ushered in tools like QR codes and augmented reality, bridging the two mediums.

Direct mailing gains
Direct mail is more sophisticated than ever with advancements in tracking, informed delivery and targeting. Today, data mining and modeling net lists that are monumentally specific, zeroing in on the most ideal targets.

Print Drives America continues their promotions of print with their ads, appearing in a Wall Street Journal national edition story. “PRINT IS HI-TECH” explains that print today harnesses the best marketing technology that precisely targets recipients. Files for the ads are available to all – printers, vendors and publications. The ads may be customized with their own company signatures. Visit pialliance.org/print-drives-america-foundation/ to download files. Posters and mailing pieces are also available.

The takeaway
Technology is indeed a boon to the printing industry. Without it, we wouldn’t have the progress that we continue to enjoy. It is technology that brings us digital printing, ground-breaking inkjet systems, mass customization, novel substrates and state-of-the-art finishing. As the print industry continues to evolve and change to meet new demands, it brings more variables and even more printing options and advancements.

New print technology can completely change your business and elevate your selling success by expanding your offering and giving you a competitive edge. What are your competitors doing with print? Are they embracing new technology? Navitor’s innovations allow our distributor partners to be smarter, leaner and more productive. And the best news? It isn’t technology for its own sake – these are practical solutions that will help you get ahead and conquer the diverse challenges of the digital age.

Just How Colossal is Print?

Modern media comes in many different formats, including print media, television, movies, video games, music, cell phones, various kinds of software, and the Internet. Many are surprised that PRINT is the largest media. In fact, print media and its many segments are larger than broadcast, the internet and all other media combined.

The G.O.A.T.
Print media has been the number one advertising method for centuries. No new media has been able to beat the still-rising popularity of print media mainly because it is one of the most trusted ways of communication and one of the least expensive ways to reach a broad audience fast.

Categories on the rise
Of the various print categories, labels and packaging is the biggest. Labels and packaging prompt millions to make daily decisions and purchases, and in 2020 became the first print category to exceed one trillion dollars – that’s a pretty significant milestone. Other print categories going through the roof these days are book printing, corrugated, direct mail, advertising inserts and catalogs. Direct mail’s resurgence has become viral; printed books are climbing, while at the same time digital downloads are well … down.

Getting the word out
To mark the significance of print and promote the use of it, Print Drives America Foundation’s national advocacy initiative includes a “PRINT IS COLOSSAL” ad that helps get the word out about print being the largest communications media, larger than broadcast and online media and all other media combined. Their message is simple and to the point: Print is colossal and yes, it’s even growing!

Print vs. digital
Some companies mistakenly undervalue print media advertising, thinking the digital era has ushered in more efficient forms of marketing. However, comparing print media and electronic media proves that print media provides a boatload of advantages including being more effective at targeting and making a lasting impression.

While the internet has revolutionized the spread of information and colored the way we think about advertising, digital advertising has a few drawbacks including more competition and poor click through rates. Most websites average four digital ads per page view, and studies reveal that 80% of people have never clicked on a banner ad. That’s major.

For any media to have remained at the top for so long and still be popular signifies its excellent benefits. Let’s dive in.

Highly targeted
Print media is a straightforward and affordable medium to reach customers and sell more products. It allows for effective advertising by spreading awareness within more accurately targeted audiences and specific geographical areas.

Easy budgeting and expense management
Costs are clear and simple to obtain, making planning and budgeting a breeze.

Excellent ROI
Print media holds the unique advantage of gaining profits through targeting consumers most likely to buy, outweighing the investment.

Higher frequency of exposure and viewing
Online ads are sort of a flash in the pan, and largely ignored as an inconvenience while surfing. Unlike digital messaging, print media doesn’t disappear after generating an impression, which offers repeated exposures. Additionally, consumers are more receptive to printed media because they aren’t distracted when exposed to it. Physical pieces hold a reader’s attention and are often reviewed multiple times and can also be shared with others.

Capitalizes on the power of our senses
Printed media leaves a lasting impression as the consumer engages with it in a more in-depth manner. The sensory experience of touching the carrier of an ad improves the impact it has on consumers. In surveys, most people report they find it easier to read print media over digital content.

Offers a ton of control and flexibility
With so many options and add-on features, print offers flexibility in selecting the ideal solution to fit requirements and budget. You can go big or go as small as you like to get your desired results.

The trust factor
Credibility increases reader loyalty and research shows that print media is one of the most trusted mediums out there. People buy from those they trust.

Excellent top-of-mind advertising
Print is best at keeping a product, brand or service in the consumer’s mind, and at the same time is exceptional at prompting action. Print also promotes excellent recall value over time, which increases the likelihood of consumers taking action after initial exposure as well.

The bottom line
Advertising with print media has stood the test of time and remains the most viable and potent platform any business can use to build their brand, and reach and connect with consumers. When used in tandem with digital, like leading readers to websites or online stores, print provides a concrete foundation that allows businesses to reap the benefits of a solid omnichannel strategy. Navitor has a range of products and services to support your customers’ growing print needs and impact their results.