Announcing Price Increases to Your Customers

Businesses across the nation are facing price increases. They must absorb some and in turn pass on the rest to their clients in order to maintain profit margins and continue stable growth. Breaking that news to your valued customers can be unpleasant, but informing them in advance is proven to soften the impact and help maintain customer loyalty.

Typically, a price increase can be shocking, however, in today’s climate most of us are becoming accustomed to higher costs due to supply chain disruptions and labor shortages. Having conversations with your customers to inform them of price changes and the underlying factors driving elevated costs will build trust and help you maintain your solid relationships. The clearer you are with your customers, the less potential for misunderstanding and surprise. Be transparent about the price changes by communicating with them directly. Send a letter or email to inform them in advance. We recommend your email or letter includes full information about new prices, a detailed description of current market conditions, and other loyalty-boosting elements.

  • Give the reasons – a comprehensive explanation for the price increases covering all the points and supporting real needs to deliver the same or better product or service.
  • Be clear you are not chasing undue profits, yet merely responding to the market environment to maintain consistently sound product quality.
  • Be polite, but do not apologize for the new plans and your financial strategy.
  • Note the duration of the business relationship and what you have achieved together.
  • Thank them. Let them know you are happy to have their business and remind them of the importance of your relationship.
  • Form a unique offer to offset initial pricing impacts or expedite orders pre-increase.
  • Offer to chat or call to answer any questions or address their concerns.
  • Ask for a reply. This confirms they received the communication and eliminates any possibility of surprise.

A letter or email might look something like this:

Dear {Fname},

Businesses across the nation are facing price increases that they must absorb as well as pass on in order to maintain consistency in product quality – and we are not exempt. We are seeing material costs across all categories increase by double-digit percentages. Factors impacting pricing and availability include but are not limited to:

  • Material costs
  • Product availability limitations
  • Shipping disruptions
  • Rising demand
  • Inventory shortages
  • Labor shortages

We value you as our customer and appreciate working for you these past XX years. In that time, we have accomplished much, including {this} and {that}.  

Our priority is to provide you the same level of service and quality you expect and deserve. In order to accomplish that, it is inevitable we increase pricing. We will continue to work hard to minimize the impact the supply chain disruptions have on your business.

What to expect and when:

{Details of anticipated price changes}

{Unique offer and expiration date}

Let us know your thoughts. Call XXX-XXX-XXXX or email today to continue this conversation.

{Contact info}

More communication is better
It is a good idea to also publish price increase announcements on your website and consider providing a chat feature to address your customers’ questions or concerns. Be sure to update your marketing materials to reflect new conditions. Fully informed customers are more likely to remain as customers. Because they are vested in a stable relationship, modest price increases are typically not deal breakers, and informing them of the circumstances driving the fluctuations allows them a sounder foundation for accepting the changes and making informed decisions going forward.

It’s not all bad news
Some good news for you is the benefit you have with working with Navitor. Prices are increasing across the board in our industry and we are seeing our competitors rolling out much higher increases than ours. Because we have scale, it minimizes the percentage of increase so you don’t have to absorb the entirety of the price increases.

Always here for you
Staying on top of market trends and industry conditions gives us the means to help you deliver the best customer experiences. We go into detail of the impacts on the print supply chain along with providing mitigation tools for you in our digital flipbookSupply Chain Impacts on the Print Market, A distributor’s strategic guide for navigating price increases. In this overview you will find insights into the print markets, the impacts to manufacturing, and mitigation steps we’re taking to minimize the impact. We also share specific steps you can take to reduce the impact to your business. It is filled with resources and content to help you understand so you can take action from an informed position

To make sure you’re giving your customers what they need and addressing topics important to them, rely on us as your go-to resource for thought leadership and innovation.

The Print Industry Promotes Its Green-ness

How eco-friendly is print? The answer might surprise you. When you think about the most environmentally friendly industries in the world, the print industry is probably not the first one that pops into your mind. The assumption is since we use paper, we must not be very green, right? Yet, the printing industry takes its responsibility to the environment very seriously.

Print is greener than you may think
There are a few significant drivers that make print a solid, eco-friendly choice. We’ve compiled some of the main truths that illustrate print’s green-ness and debunk the misperceptions: 

  • Paper is recyclable
    Paper is the most recycled product in North America. The use of recycled paper reduces greenhouse gas emissions, carbon emissions and the overall energy needed for print production. Paper manufacturers can use the same recycled material up to seven times before it becomes unusable.
  • Paper is renewable
    In the US, nearly 40% of paper comes from recycled materials. The remaining 60% must come from sustainable sources including managed forests and lumber byproducts.
  • Print marketing has a smaller carbon footprint than digital marketing
    Carbon emissions are only produced once in the printing process during the momentary application of ink to paper, compared to online where energy is used 24/7 to transmit data among millions of devices (which too swiftly become permanent landfill). Reading on a screen requires a power source, and each time a digital device is used, more carbon emissions are created.
  • Digital media is NOT greener than print materials
    Each year, millions of metric tons of e-waste are generated on our planet. The energy used to send emails also produces billions of metric tons of CO2 per year – about the same as a million cars.
  • Print production is good for trees
    The print industry plants four times as many trees than they harvest each year. Almost all of the trees used come from responsibly managed forests, and those folks are replanting more than 4 million trees per day. We now have 20% more trees in the U.S. than we did 50 years ago.

Green methods of print
The print industry has been on the forefront of creating new and sustainable processes for years. Printers have adopted many of the following important green practices in order to streamline production and reduce the impact on the environment:

  • Responsible paper sourcing
    Making sure that paper and other raw materials come from environmentally sound sources.
  • Exercising eco-friendly paper practices
    Recycled printing paper is both more accessible and more affordable than ever before and some eco-friendly papers today are made by paper companies that offset the carbon impact of producing the paper, making it carbon neutral.
  • Considering other power sources for sourced paper
    Other types of eco-friendly paper are produced using renewable energy, such as wind power.
  • Sourcing tree-free paper
    A unique and green printing technique includes using tree-free paper. These paper alternatives are derived from vegetable products such as bamboo, jute, wheat, straw or agricultural waste.
  • Noting the percentage of post-consumer waste in their recycled paper
    Currently, there are more options available than ever before, including paper which is made with 100% post-consumer waste.
  • Eliminating wasteful production practices
    Using print-on-demand services in place of bulk printing and storage dramatically reduces waste, lowers the client’s cost of obsolete materials and eliminates backorders.
  • Using soy and vegetable-based inks
    Turning away from traditional, petroleum-based ink is one of the best moves a printing company can make toward going green. Petroleum-based inks are made out of non-renewable oil and release VOCs which have a number of negative environmental impacts. Vegetable-based inks are more sustainable and release no VOCs.
  • Practicing overall energy efficiency
    Operating with the most energy-efficient machines, appliances, heating and air conditioning systems, and using CFL and LED light bulbs are ways to achieve considerable long-term energy-conserving results.

These and other sustainable printing processes increase a responsible printing company’s commitment to the environment by bringing green solutions to a market where assumptions are far too common. In actuality, many of the negative perceptions people have about the sustainability of print are false and industry advocates are launching campaigns to set the record straight.

Promoting the positive of print
Last month, the Printing Industries Alliance (PIA) foundation, Print Drives America, placed an ad in the national print edition of the Wall Street Journal, headlined “PRINT IS GREEN.” It is one of four in a series of advertisements meant to dispel myths about print and encourage its use. What They Think endorsed and publicized Print Drives America’s press release “One Million Wall Street Journal Business Readers See Page Three Ad That Emphasizes the Positive Use of Print,” which covered the WSJ article, furthering their exposure.

Print Drives America is the foremost advocate that the national print industry has in their corner, and they have enthusiastically become the voice of the industry. They give the print industry a stronger voice to demonstrate its amazing ROI and communicate its many benefits, including the strong consumer preference for print. Additionally, PIA and their foundation champion print by offering InDesign file templates and pdfs of the four-part, print-promoting campaign for companies and other organizations to download and edit. Participating businesses can easily add their company logo to create posters, send direct mail or place print ads.

We’re here for you
Navitor has a range of products and services that use the green printing methods referred to above. We have long been committed to improving our processes and helping our distributor partners and their customers choose options that reduce environmental impacts.

Supply Chain Shortages Are Hitting Print

The scale of the pandemic’s impact on supply chains, manufacturing, labor and costs eclipses anything most manufacturers have experienced before. As these conditions hit the print industry, we’re seeing material costs across all categories increase over 10%. Have you been watching the supply chain? The New York Times article How the World Ran Out of Everything takes a deep dive into Just In Time (JIT) manufacturing, inventory shortages and the global shipping chaos. CNBC reports that supplier price increases climbed 6.6% in May – the largest 12-month increase on record. Reuters imparts that manufacturing is slow-going due to shortages of inputs and rising demand in their article “Supply chain bottlenecks amid roaring demand slow U.S. manufacturing”.

We are on top of it
Buying raw materials and manufacturing products requires a dependable and undisrupted supply chain. The increased demand and limited availability of materials and services has had a huge impact on turn times and the final cost of goods across all industries. It takes creativity and careful analysis in order to stay on top of the fluctuations and navigate the disruptions. That’s why we are closely monitoring seven core markets that effect our business, allowing us to gauge the impact on us as well as how it impacts our valued distributors.

Markets we’re watching and a snippet of current findings

  • Paper Market
    • All graphic paper costs have increased and availability on just about every grade of paper is limited.
  • Label Market
    • Pricing pressures, substantial inflation and paper pulp price increases compounded with domestic freight and ocean transportation disruptions are causing imbalances to the market.
  • Retail Signs & Graphics Market
    • Pivots in product demand, rising costs and surcharges are a few of the conditions shaking things up.
  • Packaging Market
    • Demand is elevated while earnings are down and prices are way up.
  • Promotional Market
    • The promo market continues to grapple with rising prices and inventory issues.
  • Logistics Market
    • Fuel costs, truck scarcities and TL rate increases continue to challenge freight markets.
  • Labor Market
    • Employee scarcities, a high number of job openings and demand for higher pay will take a while to sort out.

We go into much greater detail of the impacts on the print supply chain along with providing mitigation tools for you in our digital flipbook: Supply Chain Impacts on the Print Market, distributor’s strategic guide for navigating price increases. In this overview you will find insights into the print markets, the impacts to manufacturing, and mitigation steps we’re taking to minimize the impact. We also share specific steps you can take to reduce the impact to your business. It is filled with resources and content to help you understand so you can take action from an informed position.

Benefits amid the changes
Some good news for you in all of this is the benefit you have with working with Navitor. Prices are increasing across the board in our industry and we are seeing much higher increases than ours rolling out in competitive companies. Because we have scale, it minimizes the percentage of increase so you don’t have to absorb the entirety of the price increases.

We’re here for you
Staying on top of market trends and industry conditions gives us the means to help you deliver the best customer experiences. To make sure you’re giving your customers what they need and addressing topics important to them, rely on us as your go-to resource for thought leadership and innovation.

Your Buyers Spoke. We Listened.

Without a doubt, exploratory market research surveys bring understanding around certain aspects of a target market, allowing for improvement in the quality of decisions. Uncovering attitudes, opinions, beliefs and behaviors nets a glimpse into your buyers’ worlds, and the impact of those insights and feedback can be huge. Helping you set your brand apart from the competition was a driving factor behind our recent end-buyer survey project. We surveyed hundreds of CEOs and Business Owners of small, medium and large companies across the U.S. to get a better sense of their business priorities for the next 6-12 months.

What YOUR Customers Are Saying
The top priority for business recovery in 2021 across all survey responders is communication with current customers. These results validate what we are observing in the marketplace and are further substantiated by upward trends in mailings, and increases in the envelope category, personalized packages, and kitting and fulfillment. Ranking second on the list of priorities is new client acquisition. Employee safety rounds off the top three.

  • For large companies, their top three (in order) are: communication with current customers, technology and eCommerce initiatives, and employee safety. Of least importance to large companies: executing marketing campaigns, then community support / safety and vaccination sponsorship.
  • For small companies, the top three priorities are identical to the overall results: communication with current customers, new client acquisition, and employee safety. Of the least importance to small companies is talent acquisition. Technology and eCommerce initiatives ranked second to last.

Understandably, employee safety was a top-three priority for all respondents, companies big and small. With the year we just had, it makes sense that it is a top priority for businesses out there.

Where End-Buyers Need Support
In ranking where they need the most support in carrying out their short-term objectives, half of all respondents ranked help with customer research as the top need. Safety and awareness for operations and cost-savings within the supply chain tied for second place with 37% of survey-takers ranking each of them as need number two.

  • For large companies, help with customer research fell further down to number four in their needs. They see safety and awareness for operations as where they need support the most, followed by ideas for employee engagement, then technology support. Ideas for employee engagement fell to the bottom of the list for smaller companies and streamlining administrative tasks ranked lowest for larger companies. The interest in cost savings is notable and validates the importance of pitching to larger companies a technology solution that streamlines order flow and eliminates touches.
  • Smaller companies closely aligned with the majority responses, and ranked needing help with customer research as their top choice, followed by cost savings within the supply chain, and then shifting their third to streamlining administrative tasks.

Rating Employee Engagement
In regards to employee engagement, ranking in order from one to five, the survey showed us employee safety lands in the top spot most often (by a large margin), followed by connecting with remote employees, then health and wellness awareness campaigns. At the bottom of the ranking overall was bringing employees back to the office.

  • For large companies, correlating with the masses, 34% ranked employee safety as number one, and connecting with remote employees was voted number one by 31% of responders from that group. 22% of large-company responders chose health and wellness awareness campaigns as the top ranked.
  • For smaller companies, connecting with remote employees nabbed number one most often

Vaccine Support
When asked how their company is supporting COVID-19 vaccination efforts, 70% responded that their company is taking action.

  • 25% noted their company is encouraging employees to get vaccinated and are offering time off, childcare, flexible schedules or information on where to go.
  • 21% answered that their company is supporting COVID-19 vaccination efforts by either following safety guidelines and preventative measures or having employees work remotely.
  • 13% of survey-takers said their companies are facilitating a vaccine clinic or sponsoring free vaccinations. Of that grouping a few noted offering free tests and mentioned their support of recovery efforts in the community.

What Does It Mean to Me?
All this data is powerful – but it’s powerless without the right analysis. What’s a survey without translating the findings into actionable items that drive data-backed strategies? The fact that executing marketing campaigns is a low priority yet customer communication is the top priority gives us some valuable insight. What does this mean for you? When prospecting, make sure to use the language of your customers’ priorities:

  • Say: “Are you looking to improve your customer communications?”
  • Don’t Say: “Are you looking to increase your advertising to customers?”

Editing your pitch in this way shows that you care about what is going on with your customers, and will help you to improve their experience and better serve their needs.

When considering end-buyer top priorities, prepare to discuss ways to execute effective and meaningful communications to current customers.

  • Do: Plan demonstrations to present ideas for new client acquisition campaigns.
  • Do: Promote ways to support their efforts to ensure employee safety through communications, signage and supplies like partitions and hand-sanitizer stations.
  • Do: Update your website and social presence. Find ideas in the Outreach Kit.

Where end-buyers say they need help presents additional opportunities for you.

  • Do: Provide innovative solutions that support their safety and awareness needs, cost-saving ideas, plus original and creative options for employee engagement cover what they are asking for.
  • Do: Provide communications that are relevant to your customers’ industry. Navitor’s free content page for distributors has over 100 pages of ideas, products, text and imagery you can use as your own with your customers.

Because vaccine support efforts are underway, there are opportunities for you to solve some of your customer’s challenges.

  • Do: Outfit sites and help your customers communicate information and guidelines. This will solidify your position as a valuable partner.
  • Do: Supply vaccination locations and clinics with unique products. Check out the list of top products and support materials here.

We’re here for you
Tapping into your buyers’ opinions and insights allowed us to spot common trends and gather pertinent data. This data gives us the means to help you deliver the best customer experiences.

To make sure you’re giving your customers what they need and addressing topics important to them, rely on us as your go-to resource for ideas and innovation. Navitor has a ton of options and ideas and offers free content and marketing collateral for distributors like you that you can use as your own.

7 Days to Successful Prospecting

Let’s cut to the chase, prospecting probably isn’t on your list of favorite things to do. But it is a very important part of sales. It’s common for distributors to put it off – because there are so many important tasks to get done. Yet just like all the other phases of the sales process, prospecting requires focus and effort.

In addition to your concentration and energy, employing effective practices that actually fetch more well-qualified leads keeps you from wasting your valuable time and might just make you a little more partial to prospecting. Hey, if it works, it’s more fun to do, right? The following fresh sales prospecting tactics can help you find better leads and convert them to customers more often. Take advantage of these action-oriented methods that offer short-term and long-term planning tools for better engagement that eventually lead to customer conversions.

Make prospecting a priority
Start by reimagining your workday and dedicate at least two hours per day to your future success. Research shows 82% of top-performing salespeople spend four hours or more a day on selling. By prioritizing your time this way and blocking off 2-hour increments, you’re making an investment in you that will pay off big time. Once you’ve allocated time each day, commit to performing one of the seven actions below to turn into a lead-generating powerhouse. These can be done in an order that feels best to you, and remember, shoot for progress, not perfection.

Day 1 – Create your current customer profile
Start easy by pulling together a list of your top five customers and your top five most profitable customers. Creating an ideal customer profile negates the chances of wasting your time and efforts chasing unproductive leads. Use your customer profile to start building your ideal prospecting list. For example, if one of your top clients is in the banking industry and your contact is the Branch Manager, Google “banks in my area”. Jot down those search results. Then go to LinkedIn and search “Branch Manager” in your area and start searching for those specific banks. When you find that International Bank’s Branch Manager in your city is listed right there, add her to your prospecting list….and continue this process. Identifying 50-100 people for this list is a great start that will last you a couple of months.

Your prospecting list is probably one of the most important assets within your outreach. You’ll be sending great content soon; you need to make sure you’re targeting the right audience. LinkedIn is a first choice for top sellers to build a highly targeted B2B prospect list. The customizable search feature allows for plenty of filters to narrow down your search and find the most qualified prospects.

Day 2 – Assess your social pages & website
Take an honest look at your website and your social profiles. When was the last time you really gave each a much-needed update? Freshening your pages might not seem like a big deal, but don’t underestimate the importance of making updates in terms of looks, functionality, and content. With the majority of your potential customers spending more and more time online, regular and well-executed renovations can help your business grow. Set three priorities for the short term and three priorities for the long term. Check out some pro-tips in our Reaching New Audiences webinar on how you can start updating your website so it can be used as a selling tool.

Day 3 – Make three updates to your short-term list
Social media is one of the most important aspects of digital marketing, making it incredibly easy to spread the word about your products and service

s. Starting there is an easy and stress-free way to increase your business visibility fast. Your top priority can be maximizing your profile with a great (and current) profile picture and an i

mpactful cover photo. Consider free image sites like pexels for stunning cover photos. Add a call to action in your profiles that pushes traffic to your website, blog or newsletter and prompts more engagement, like “Follow”, “Discover More” or “Sign Up”. Your “About You” section should be engaging and creative, conveying your value proposition and the benefits of working with you.

Day 4 – Create three prospecting emails
B2B buyers check their email multiple times a day. As marketers, we can’t ignore the importance of a strong email marketing strategy.

Make sure you are using your company email address to add legitimacy to your pitch. Avoiding Gmail, Hotmail or AOL email addresses will keep your emails from automatically landing in junk mail folders. Including a great subject line and concise but personalized content will get and keep a reader’s attention. Communicate like a real person and show the benefits of your offering. And don’t forget a strong call to action. Check out sample subject lines, opening statements and email content ideas here.

Day 5 – Create three social posts for the next week
We hear a lot of distributors questioning the value of social media. And yes, social media can be frustrating because you can’t tie it directly to sales. But social drives awareness. Awareness leads to conversion. Some of the benefits of social media are:

  • Brand recognition
  • Increased website traffic
  • Enhanced SEO rankings
  • Marketplace awareness

Start by focusing your attention on one platform. We suggest LinkedIn because customers will often look for you there. Dedicating some time to this arguably most cost-effective marketing channel will improve brand awareness while you ramp up engagement and interaction. The most ideal times to post, along with the best types of content for LinkedIn, and what makes the perfect Facebook post can be found here.

Day 6 – Tackle your top three long-term priorities
Most of us fill our days with managing the endless tiny details without taking time to regularly step back and look at the bigger picture. Turning long-term goals into reality takes a clear, actionable plan. Some top priorities from distributors are: adding eCommerce to their website, adding more products to their website, and updating the look of their website.

For today, list your three long-term priorities, and when you’re going to start. Don’t worry about all the details today, just set your start dates for each one over the next 12 months. Book that in your calendar and that will be when you start to dedicate more time to these larger priorities. Schedule when and how long you’ll work toward your long-term goals.

Day 7 – Get three meetings
It takes on average 5-8 touches to land a meeting. A practical goal for today could be 20 emails, four phone conversations, and three scheduled meetings. Studies found 82% of buyers accept meetings with salespeople who reach out to them. Who knew? Use LinkedIn to find people in your network that are connected with your prospects. Some of your 20 emails that you’re sending today could be to current customers for referrals.

Phone calls help build that personal relationship more quickly than other methods of contact. We’ve compiled some stats, tips, and stellar phone prospecting best practices here.

In conclusion
The most valuable part of prospecting is your own time. And the math is simple:

More prospects = more chances to close a sale

Instead of saying “How can I prioritize prospecting?”, we challenge you to say “I am prioritizing the future of my company.” Every day is your chance to recommit to your future. We’re here to help walk you through your 7 Days to Successful Prospecting. With our support and innovations, you’ll be well on your way to finding better leads and converting more prospects into customers.

CBD and Cannabis Sales Start with Shelf Presence

Imagine you’re walking through a dispensary or a retail store that sells CBD. There’s definitely no shortage of new and interesting products to choose from on the shelves. How purchase decisions are made is part art, part science. Packaging plays a more important role in those decisions than you might think. It is a driving factor in determining what product you walk out of the store with. Since packaging is often a consumer’s first introduction to a product, it pays to be innovative and unique in order to stand out on a crowded shelf and get noticed.

The importance of product packaging is multi-faceted and can make all the difference in ensuring a great first impression and lasting brand loyalty. Here are a few tips and tricks for strategic product packaging:

Keeping the product safe for its journey from production through distribution, and from store shelves to buyer’s homes is where it all starts. Preventing damage with a sturdy and reliable package is foundational, followed by convenience and ease of use. There are plenty of standard options with a wide range of weights to ensure functionality and convenience and also differentiate the packaging. Once fit-for-purpose and functionality are checked off, you can move into the more artistic points that attract customers and encourage them to buy the product.

Packaging is the primary marketing medium in the cannabis industry, making first impressions everything. Buying decisions are influenced by how the packaging promotes and displays the product inside. On average, it takes only seven seconds to form a first impression. With such limited time, the best way to stand out on the shelf is with unique, high-quality, and creative packaging. This includes both printing and finishing methods that help the consumer perceive the value of the product and provide a great experience. We specialize in making the packaging more appealing and attractive while adhering to brand standards and necessary regulations.

Brand Awareness
Product packaging is not just a reflection of the product inside, but the brand as a whole. Innovative packaging differentiates brands. To influence buying and create brand awareness, it’s important that consumers can easily determine what the product is and make associations with the brand. Combining exceptional printing processes with high-quality materials yields a more memorable experience with a brand. Choosing the best substrates and impactful, high-resolution images on the package can help boost brand awareness.

Special Touches
Custom finishes and coatings add uniqueness and help step up shelf visibility. They highlight design elements, elevate the tactile experience and add dimension. Processes like debossing, embossing, foil stamping, spot color, and intricate die-cutting transform the appearance of products on the shelf. Finishing extras such as UV gloss coating, spot UV, soft-touch lamination, aqueous satin, and raised UV give packages a snazzy, polished look.

Integrated Elements
An effective way to set products apart and help them stand out on the shelf is through creative integration with additional elements including matching bottle labels, inserts, and hangtags around the packaging.

Collaboration with Navitor, your trusted packaging expert, is key to making your product stand out on the shelf. Our innovations and ideations will bring your vision to life. Check out Packaging now.

Pricing Will Hold Steady

In an effort to make things a little easier for you in the coming year, we’re
holding our catalog pricing through 2021. So, hang on to your current catalogs, and keep an eye out for a mini-catalog with recent innovations and trending products on its way to you soon.

  • As always, utilize our digital catalogs for the most up-to-date product information. Even rebrand them with your own logo using ZOOM Catalog.
  • Coming Soon! Mini-Catalog

Sneak Peek!

Working from home – just a trend for 2020, or here to stay?

Last March, most companies sent their employees home to work remotely for a few weeks. At that time not many realized just how long it would last. Fast forward to months into the pandemic and it appears many corporate employees will be working remotely for at least the time being, if not indefinitely or even permanently.

With the majority of the country’s corporate workforce in home offices, a plethora of surveys and research is underway to gauge whether this is a trend to accommodate current circumstances or if the realized benefits of a remote workforce outweigh the negatives, and if it’s enough for companies to implement more permanent work-from-home policies. Notably, the benefits serve both employers and employees. In their research, Business Insider noted that more than two-thirds of companies may have their employees work from home permanently. 451 Research found that 67% of surveyed respondents expect that their work-from-home policies will become permanent or at least remain in place for the long-term.

Better overall for everyone
With the challenge of implementing and maintaining extensive safety measures required to reopen offices safely, alongside the risk of a company outbreak, it makes sense to keep employees working from home. Furthermore, there are numerous benefits remote employees are reaping as they report being happier and more engaged. Working from home has them less stressed without the hassle of commuting, being away from loved ones and workplace interruptions. The shake up COVID-19 has caused in offices across the country has led to an overall improved work-life balance for most of the corporate workforce.

Shedding costs
It’s not surprising that companies can save a ton of gravy moving their staff to home offices. But it’s not just employers that are saving money – cost savings are recognized on both sides of the occupational equation. Employers are finding that they can do more with less real estate and studies are showing just how inefficient and costly unused office space is. According to Global Workplace Analytics, a typical employer can save about $11,000 a year for every person who works remotely half of the time. Employees can save between $2,500 and $4,000 annually on things like wardrobe, gas, parking, car maintenance, lunches and coffee. And that’s just working remotely half the time. The savings are even greater if the employee is able to move to a less expensive area and/or work remotely full time.

Working remotely is eco-friendly
In the early days of the global response to COVID-19, there was an immediate and dramatic reduction in traffic, congestion and pollution. The fact is, there is no easier, quicker and cheaper way to lower our carbon footprint than by reducing commuter travel. Being relieved of having to commute is a major bonus for many. Additionally, remote working has promoted a paperless culture, and gives everyone the opportunity to limit overconsumption of heating, air conditioning and unnecessary lighting.

Flexibility in hiring and getting hired
The advantages gained by both employers and employees with remote work options are tremendous. It opens up an enormous pool of talent for hiring companies, and allows job seekers the joy of location independence – living just where they want while landing employment globally.

Addressing the challenges
Like any pivot to new terrain, working from home can bring with it some quandaries. Remote employees might feel isolated and may find collaborating with others challenging. But fortunately, keeping employees happy while they work from home indefinitely may not require costly investments. As millions of office workers remain at home, the likely permanent shift to remote work that has emerged has us asking: What does that mean for the future of at-home workspaces, and how does it change what employees need from their employers?

Outfitting the remote office
Gearing up home offices means bringing together a number of tools and tactics to help remote workers not only succeed, but feel satisfied and appreciated. Home office supplies that keep staff organized and productive include items such as:

  • Personalized Post-it® Notes
  • Custom whiteboards
  • Branded wall and desk calendars
  • Pocket folders
  • “In a Meeting” door hangers

To bring some calm and comfort into the home office while keeping remote employees safe and working ergonomically means offering adaptable workstations, branded office supplies and safety products like ergonomic mouse pads and keyboards designed to minimize discomfort.

Contact with co-workers can be an essential source of support for some staff members. Companies can show appreciation for their remote workers and make them feel less isolated from their team by offering motivational gifts of gratitude and team-building promo items like:

  • Branded apparel
  • Mugs
  • Tumblers
  • Personalized pens and padfolios
  • Notebooks with personalized covers

During a pandemic, it is too easy to reprioritize and overlook employee achievements, work anniversaries and other milestones. Employees need recognition and affirmations now more than ever to stay connected and feel appreciated. Awards, full-color and engraved plaques for recognition, or customized cards that offer congratulations, thanks and appreciation where it is most needed boost morale and anchor loyalty.

Once the pandemic is behind us, all roads are leading to employees expecting the option of working from home. Giving employees that flexibility along with the tools to work where they feel most effective will benefit both productivity and engagement. In our “Remote & Ready” Booklet, we focus on outfitting the remote workforce to be successful and illustrate what companies can do to show appreciation to their remote workers, and make them feel less isolated from their team.

We’re here for you
To make sure you’re giving your customers the information they need and to help them outfit their remote workforce, rely on us as your go-to resource for ideas and innovation. Navitor has ample options, ideas and support, and offers free content and marketing collateral for distributors like you that you can use as your own. Navitor members also have access to exclusive, more-detailed materials such as a social toolkit for each of the largest industries in need today, customizable eBooklets where you can add your own name and branding, and even the actual slides to the webinars we produce containing links and additional resources you can use with your customers.

The Holiday Shopping Season Redefined

It’s snow joke – we are in for a holiday season unlike any other we’ve been through. The traditional merriment we look forward to each year involves eating, drinking, and singing together in a cozy room … all among the highest risk scenarios for transmitting viruses. It’s pretty unlikely we’ll see shoppers lined up before sunrise for Black Friday deals, or rushing to crowded stores for last-minute gift buying. No matter the circumstances, this is the time of year when retailers and other businesses start to mull over their holiday plans and prepare for what promises to be an unprecedented holiday season. How will the pandemic affect what has traditionally been retailers’ busiest time of year? Rest assured, we have some ideas around what can be expected. If unprepared, yule be sorry … but by preparing for what’s to come and offering innovative ideas and options, yule be sleighing it.

Where the holiday dollars will go
Money typically spent on heavily attended parties and festive gatherings, travel, and enormous grocery bills for huge dinners instead will go toward gift-giving, albeit with some differences. Experiential gifts like concert and event tickets, restaurant gift cards, and massage certificates are out, while popular merchandise categories – things you can hold in your hands (after sanitizing, of course) – are in.

Shoppers starting early
Gift-givers will be coming out of quarantine as holiday shopping season starts earlier than normal. Opting to shop during less volume-heavy times, consumers are likely to buy sooner rather than later in order to avoid crowds and to make sure the items on their lists are even available. From a shopper’s standpoint, one of the biggest challenges during the pandemic has been product availability. Supply chains are compromised and inventory is low. Making matters worse, deliveries take longer than normal because as the volume increases, shipping delays only get worse. To avoid out-of-stocks and account for anticipated shipping delays, shoppers will be starting early.

Business gift-giving
Businesses reaching out to customers and employees at the holidays this year will opt for cards and gifts as alternatives to dinners and parties. In order to show their gratitude and appreciation for the loyalty of their customers and employees over the past year, corporate giving will likely be at an all-time high. Branded promotional products are sure to be in high demand as businesses manage their customer and employee gift-giving from a distance.

Retail shopping holiday makeover
Without question, COVID-19 has transformed the retail shopping experience. The holiday shopping season will look quite different this year as retailers find themselves mired in the coronavirus. Here are some of the changes in store for us this year:

  • No more Black Friday lines – large retailers like Target, Macy’s, Foot Locker, JCPenney, Bed Bath & Beyond, and Best Buy have all announced that they’ll close stores on Black Friday
  • Buy online, pick up in-store – COVID-19 pushed shoppers online early in the pandemic, and not only has that trend not slowed, but it will also pick up speed in the coming weeks
  • Still social distancing – but in a more festive manner – soon all those banners, signs, floor and window decals will look very merry
  • Pop-up sales outside – expect to see outdoor pop-up shops in cities with climates that can accommodate them
  • Extra sanitation – safeguarding the health of staff and shoppers will require sanitation stations and signage throughout stores, especially near return counters
  • Curbside pickup – emerged early this year, and expectations among shoppers are that this option will be made available across all retail brands
  • Heavy communication and signage – to cut down the need for face-to-face conversations, directional signs, infographics, posters, and decals will be used to inform shoppers and direct traffic flow
  • More gift buying – with travel money squashed and big gathering spend down, that means a bigger bankroll for gifts

Stand-out products
With all the social and shopping changes brought about by the pandemic, there are still innovative products in high demand. Some of the top holiday options include calendars, greeting cards, glitter stock items, custom packaging, promotional products, custom gift wrap, labels, face coverings, holiday signage, direct mail, and much more. Communication and information exchange are not the only things going contactless this holiday season: Expressing gratitude and thanks will be done through gift-giving and showing appreciation without the typical holiday get-togethers.

The takeaway
To really make an impact this year, make sure you’re giving your customers the information they need – and preparing early is critical. Have your stocking stuffed full of ideas your customers will love (from head to mistletoe). Even though most hugs will be saved until next year, we’re still here to help you navigate the 2020 Holiday Season. We’re your go-to resource with ideas and innovative ways to work through the challenges you’re facing and uncover the opportunities this shopping season brings. For some great options, check out our online booklet Reinventing Holiday Traditions in the Next Normal.

Are you ready to help your customers get through the cold and flu season?

What a remarkable and unprecedented year it has been. As 2020 comes to a close and we head into cold and flu season, it is unclear whether COVID-19 will persist at its current pace, if there will be an onslaught of smaller outbreaks, or if a larger second wave is on the horizon. To further compound matters, flu season is right around the corner, generally lasting through January. This overlap has many concerned – are we facing a double whammy? Or will social distancing and our new hygiene habits stave off the spread of influenza this year? Either way, we are in for an interesting season, and because this flu season may be quite daunting, there will likely be a lot more customers looking for products to prepare for it.

Time to have the conversations
We may be looking at a different and broader purchasing season this year as businesses gear up for flu season amid a pandemic. Because of that, it is high time to discuss readiness options with your customers. Checking in with them and offering products and solutions to help them prepare for what’s to come may ultimately lessen the impact, one community at a time.

Topics to get ready for
Sure to be front and center this winter are the differences between COVID-19 and the flu, and COVID-19 and the common cold. Posters, signage, decals, postcards, flyers, and envelopes will lend a hand in informing the public about what’s what. Similarly, many will need to communicate flu shot information, including companies offering flu shot programs to their employees. All public access areas continue to require social distancing products, and will certainly be emphasizing the importance of hygiene and sanitizing. Additionally, with a second potential shutdown looming, retail stores trying to lessen stockpiling will need signs, banners, and decals reminding folks to take a limited number of essential items. Nonprofits, governments, and other agencies will need products and communications informing people of where they can get ahold of emergency services and supplies. As hospitals and clinics approach maximum capacity, their need for materials increases as patients increase. There is also a new topic on the block: screening supplies. No more rushing off to work or rushing kids off to school with the sniffles – there will be more hesitation, more mindfulness, and symptom screening.

Who’s buying?
The current circumstances are opening new areas of “who’s buying” and “who’s interested.” Undoubtedly, the employers in the community, retail shops and stores, governments, nonprofits, schools, healthcare, manufacturers, banks, insurance, financial institutions, and more will need readiness products and communications solutions to help gear up for the next five months.

How can you help?
Start having conversations with everybody you can think of. No one is exempt from what the world is experiencing right now. Helping your customers and prospects solve their challenges centered around informing, directing, notifying, and protecting makes you an essential piece of the puzzle. We have created templates with specific cold and flu messaging that may help get some ideas in front of your customers as well.

Next steps
Are you ready? We are. And we are here for you. Navitor has a plethora of options, ideas, and support, and offers a free content page for distributors like you. We have over 100 pages of ideas, products, text, and imagery that you can use as your own. The solutions benefit top industries in need of new, important and often urgent messaging. Navitor members have access to exclusive, more detailed materials such as a social toolkit for each of today’s most predominant industries, customizable eBooklets where you can add your own name or branding, or even the actual slides to the webinars we produce complete with links and additional resources you can use with your customers.