Quiz: Which Print Process Are You?

You know that every print piece your customers buy has a personality. Maybe their business cards express just how professional and polished they are. Maybe they evoke a sense of fun. Maybe they show off something new and exciting. With all that personality, you might start to see yourself in the many print processes you offer your customers. So, which print process are you?

1) What does your desk look like?
A. Decorated! I like to have a fair bit of color around me. I also like to have my resources at the ready so I can use them whenever I want.
B. It’s pretty old school. I like my pens, my file folders, and my bookshelf, but I do like to get good quality pieces that will last a long time.
C. I try to keep my desk clear and as organized as possible. I love that my desk gives me a blank canvas for my work.
D. Organized and simple. Most of the things I’ve got on my desk fall within the same color scheme.

2) Everyone can use an inspiring quote sometimes. Which one of these quotes speaks to you?
A. “Opportunities don’t happen. You create them.”–Chris Grosser
B. “Hard work pays off—hard work beats talent any day, but if you’re talented and work hard it’s hard to beat”—Robert Griffin III
C. “Make an empty space in any corner of your mind, and creativity will instantly fill it.”—Dee Hock
D. “The secret of success is to do the common thing uncommonly well.”—John D. Rockefeller Jr.

3) What’s the fastest way to catch your attention?
A. Vibrant color
B. Quality
C. Subtle detail
D. Strong design

4) Which of these is most important when you’re going into a sales meeting?
A. Showing the variety of options you offer.
B. Showing off your company’s history and professionalism.
C. Making a striking first impression.
D. Showing the thing that you do the best.

5) What do you think about taking center stage?
A. Sounds fine to me—I’m flexible.
B. It depends on the stage. I’m more comfortable in a professional setting than entertaining.
C. I can do that, but I also like to support others who are more colorful than I am.
D. I’m not loud, but I’m perfectly comfortable being the center of attention.


Mostly A’s: You’re Full Color! Full color print is vibrant and versatile, just like you.

Mostly B’s: You’re engraving! Professional, polished, and maybe even a little bit upscale, engraving is a great fit for high end customers.

Mostly C’s: You’re spot gloss! Whether flat or raised, you’ve got plenty of potential. You work well paired with full color print, but you can also shine on your own to add a subtle design element.

Mostly D’s: You’re spot color! Tried and true—and maybe a little old fashioned in the very best way—you’re someone who knows what they do best.

So which print process are you? We’d love to see you join the conversation in the comments below.

5 Reasons to Stop Using Your Personal Cell Phone for Business Calls

It can be easy to use your cell phone for business calls—after all, it’s right there in your pocket! However, there are a number of reasons you might want to reconsider that decision. Here are five practical reasons why you might want to stop using your personal cell phone for business calls.

1. Screening Your Calls? You Might Miss Out on Opportunities
If your cell phone is anything like ours, you probably get a lot of robocalls, and screening your calls can be a great way to avoid having to talk to a telemarketer. However, if your personal phone doubles as your business phone it also means that you’re likely to miss a call from a customer. That runs the risk of losing sales or damaging customer relationships.

2. Your Voicemail Might Get Too Crowded
Another disadvantage to using your personal cell phone for personal and business calls is that your voicemail can get overcrowded. From telemarketer calls you haven’t erased yet to messages from your kids, there are a wide variety of messages you might receive and keep for personal use. However, that overstuffed voicemail could also make it harder to answer messages from customers in a timely fashion.

And speaking of voicemail…

3. Your Personal Voicemail Message is Likely to be Different From Your Business One
Your voicemail message is a great chance to promote products, let customers know about upcoming holiday hours, and more. However, you could be missing out on that promotional opportunity if you’re using your personal phone.

4. It’s Important to Know Who You’re Talking To When You Answer
Think about the many different ways you can answer the phone. If you get a phone call from an unknown number, you might assume the person on the other end of the line is a telemarketer and your tone might reflect that. If that phone call is, instead, from a customer using a different phone than usual, that tone could start that conversation on the wrong foot.

5. On Your Personal Phone You Can’t Share Responsibility for the Line
When your call volume gets heavy or when you’re unable to take a call, it’s nice to have another person take a call. However, when your customers use your personal phone number, it’s much harder to hand the phone off if you’re unable to take the call.

How do you make the most of the telephone at your personalized print business? We would love to see you join the conversation in the comments below.

4 People You’ll Meet at a Trade Show

people you will meet when tabling or attending a personalized print trade showWhether you’re attending a tradeshow or setting up a booth to promote your print business, you’ll meet a wide variety of people at a show. Depending on their goal for the show, they might have a very different approach to tradeshow attendance than you do. Here are four people you’ll meet at the next tradeshow you attend.

The Info-Maniac
It’s good to do some research on the tradeshow ahead of time and to pay attention to the details, but this person takes that to the extreme. They love doing their research on exhibitors beforehand, and probably can be seen on the exhibitor floor with a notebook full of scribbled bits of information and a bag full of informational pieces.

If you’re an exhibitor, the Info-Maniac could be a gift or a curse depending on how you handle it. If you can give them the right details—or get their contact information so you can touch base on those questions after the show—you might have a new sale on your hands. Just be sure that you don’t let them monopolize your time.

The Trick-or-Treater
Remember how much fun it was to go door-to-door on Halloween and coming home with a bag of candy? The Trick-or-Treater definitely remembers, and they want to come home with a bag of tradeshow swag to rival those youthful candy hauls. If you’re attending, don’t be afraid to keep an eye on this person if they have a great promotional piece. That might give you an idea of where to explore next.

If you’re exhibiting at a tradeshow, though, this person can be a challenge because they might be more focused on stuffing their tote bag with logoed pieces than they are connecting with the companies behind those logos. Try to limit the amount of time you spend on this person and move on to more promising leads.

The Stealthy Competitor
The Stealth Competitor isn’t interested in doing business with the exhibitors—in fact, he’s one of those exhibitors! He might be seen asking very specific questions about pricing or production costs, trying to get the inside scoop by posing as a customer.

If you’re exhibiting and think you’re talking to a Stealthy Competitor, don’t be afraid to be brief. Ask for their contact information so that you can follow up. If they actually are a potential customer, it’s a great chance to answer those specific questions in a less busy setting. If they are a competitor, chances are they won’t want to talk further.

The Serious Buyer
This trade show attendee visits a booth for a good reason—to buy a product—and that makes them the best person to talk to when you’re exhibiting. If you’re attending, on the other hand, you can still benefit from the Serious Buyer. If you overhear them talking to an exhibitor, pay close attention—you might learn something! Not only might the Serious Buyer give you ideas for good questions to ask, but the direction of their conversation might tell you whether or not an exhibitor is a good fit for you.

Have you met these tradeshow attendees? How did you talk to them? We’d love to see your stories in the comments below.

Get Back to Basics With These Marketing Tips

back to basics personalized print marketing ideasSummer can be a tough time for marketing. You’re busy and your customers are busy, and that can make it a challenge to create an effective marketing strategy. However, those challenges also make it a great time to get back to basics with your marketing! Here are four tips that will help you bring your marketing back to basics.

1. Focus on Who You’re Talking To
This is the heart of any good marketing strategy, and focusing on the audience you’re reaching out to is the best shortcut to market effectively even when time is tight. Think about whether you’re reaching out to existing customers or new customers, and then use what you know about those customers to create a strategy. What media do they engage with? Can you send an email, or do you need to reach out using ads in local media or a direct mail piece? Focus your efforts where they’ll be most effective, and let your audience be your guide.

2. What Is Everyone Else Doing? Consider Doing the Opposite
One of the best ways to stand out is to do what nobody else is doing. If your competition is advertising through email, for example, a simple handwritten note could be the best way to make your business memorable.

3. Think About What Worked in the Past but Isn’t Used Now—And Think About Why
Sometimes, marketing strategies are dropped for good reason. You might have stopped putting your energy into newspaper advertising, for example, because you got better results from focusing your efforts on creating a quality email campaign. However, if you dropped a marketing strategy for other reasons—you didn’t previously have the time to pursue it, for example, or something new took your attention instead—it might be worthwhile to revisit that strategy. As an added bonus, you might be able to get inspired for new marketing efforts by examples in your files from these old projects.

4. Always Be Willing to Learn New Things
With new technologies arriving every day, the marketing landscape—especially for smaller businesses—is constantly changing. While there are a lot of tips that can help you navigate that changing world, nothing will serve you better than a willingness to learn. Staying open to new information will help keep you from getting stuck in a rut when it comes to your marketing strategy, and it will keep you flexible enough to adapt to new options when they arrive.

What marketing tips can’t you live without? We’d love to see your tips and tricks in the comments below.

3 Tips to Supercharge Your Summer Marketing

A few months back we talked through our top tips for giving a boost to your marketing in spring. As weather continues to get warmer, it’s time to turn our attention to summer—and to summer marketing! While it can be easy to lose sight of what’s important during the busy summer months, with a few simple tips you can supercharge your marketing during the summer season.

1. Pick a Theme
Summer can be a busy time for both you and your customers, and having a theme to pull you throughout the summer can help give a boost to your brand recognition. Whether it’s a a marketing message repeated through the summer or focusing on a few favorite products, having a theme for your marketing helps ensure that busy customers are exposed to that theme. It also helps make your work easier—when you’ve got one good idea, you can run with it for the season!

2. Make It Visually Appealing
When you think of summer, you probably think of vibrant colors. To keep up with that trend, it’s a good idea for you to focus on keeping your marketing efforts visually interesting. Use eyecatching colors or readable designs to show off your favorite products in emails, flyers, or marketing pieces. Use samples to create a display on a tabletop or in a window. Bring print pieces with visual appeal to your sales meetings.

3. Don’t Be Afraid to Take a Shortcut
Now, we don’t mean that you should skimp on marketing this summer—even though it’s busy, you want your business to keep moving in the warm weather—but it’s important that you know where you can take something off your plate. The most important of these “shortcuts” could be something we’ve talked about quite a few times: the sales tools your suppliers offer. For example, if your suppliers offer unbranded sales flyers, consider using those flyers as the backbone of an awareness campaign.

Why are these “shortcuts” so important? First and foremost, because these sales tools are ready for you to use and they help you save time during a busy time of the year. They also allow you to focus on how best to speak to your customers. Do they prefer physical marketing pieces? Print the flyer to give them at your next sales meeting. Do they want to peruse marketing pieces on their own time? Attach a flyer—or link them to a personalized e-catalog—along with your next email. Do they respond best to seeing print pieces in person? Pull out your samples and use the flyers as a reminder of the pieces they looked at during your meeting.

How do you keep your marketing strategy moving during the busy summer months? We’d love to see your tips and tricks in the comments below.

Boost Summer Sales for Small Business

Are you looking for a way to boost your sales this summer? We’ve got news for you! The latest of our vertical market sales kits is here, giving you a chance to speak directly to the print needs of small businesses. Here’s what you need to know about this new kit.

small business kit brochure, business cards, announcements, letterhead, forms, postcards, announcements

What’s In It?
We’ve created this kit around a lawn care business, and all of the products are hand-picked for that market. Practical pieces like business cards, forms, and letterhead are just the start. “Thank you” notes can help build rapport with customers at the end of the season, brochures are a great way to inform prospective customers of new services, and other pieces like Post-it® Notes and door hangers make great leave-behinds if your customer is going door-to-door to drum up business.

These products might be tailored for lawn care, but they’re a great fit for a wide variety of small businesses looking to give a boost to their marketing strategy. Use the kit as an example of how your customer could create a complete print suite no matter what market they’re working in.

How Can You Use It?
Ready to put this sales kit to work? Be sure to bring it with you when you meet with potential customers, especially if you work often with small businesses. It’s also important to keep the samples within reach for when customers walk into your storefront, because you never know when a small business owner will reach out to you.

These kits can be used for much more than samples, though. They are also a great way to highlight cross-selling opportunities. Did your customer come to you for letterhead and business cards to stock up for the summer season, for example? This kit will show them how they could create other print pieces to give their small business an additional boost.

Ready for the Summer Slump
With so many people heading out on vacation, summer can be a slow season. That’s why we are debuting this kit now. A new sales tool for reaching out to a new market could help you connect with new customers even during a slow season.

Best of all, this new sales kit is available free of charge. Simply contact your customer care team to request yours or visit our website to request a kit online.

What do you think of this new sales kit? We’d love to see you join the conversation in the comments below.

Quiz: Do You Know the History of Promotional Products

Summer is coming soon, and that means it’s time for your customers to purchase promotional products for their summer events. You might not realize this, but the promotional products industry has a long history. Do you know that history? Take this quiz to find out.

1. The history of promotional products goes a long way back, and got its start in the earliest US elections. What year’s election saw the first commemorative button?
A) 1789
B) 1792
C) 1796
D) 1800

2. That wasn’t the end of campaign buttons. Who was the first presidential candidate to have the image of their face featured on a button?
A) Andrew Jackson
B) Abraham Lincoln
C) Teddy Roosevelt
D) Ulysses S. Grant

3. Promotional products have been around for a long time, but one businessman is most often credited as the first to produce them commercially in the late 1800s. What was his name?
A) Isaac Young
B) Abraham Brown
C) Jasper Meek
D) Everett Hill

4. If you work in the promotional products industry, you know that there are a variety of different trade associations. Which organization got that started?
A) Advertising Specialties Institute (ASI.
B) Promotional Products Association International (PPAI.
C) Upper Midwest Association of Promotional Professionals (UMAPP.

5. Sometimes promotional products are popular enough to become products on their own. Which of these products got their start as a promotional offer?
A) Hall’s cough drops
B) McDonalds hamburgers
C) Singer sewing needles
D) Wrigley’s chewing gum

1) A. The first promotional item in US history was a commemorative button made for the George Washington in the election of 1789.
2) B. Abraham Lincoln was the first presidential candidate to have his face featured on a campaign button.
3) C. In the late 1800s, Jasper Meek wanted to keep his newspaper presses running during slow times. He then started printing burlap bags with advertising messages. A local shoe store then gave them to school children to promote his business.
4) B. PPAI got its start as the Advertising Manufacturers Association in 1904. ASI got its start in 1950.
5) D. Believe it or not, Wrigley’s sold baking powder before their promotional gum became a smash hit. Their baking powder was also a promotional product that was a hit; they originally sold soap.

The promotional products industry has come a long way since the commemorative buttons in the 1789 election. With nationwide trade organizations, tradeshows, and publications, it is now a booming business, and we’re happy to be a part of it!

What’s the most memorable promotional product you have ever received? How did you do on the quiz? We’d love to see you join in the conversation in the comments below.

Have a More Effective Team Meeting in 4 Steps

Whether you’re hosting a staff meeting or are kicking off a new project with the team working on it, a team meeting can be a great use of your time. However, if your meetings aren’t achieving what you want, it’s time to rethink how you run your team meetings. Here are four simple steps that will help you get more out of your meetings.

1. Start with A Goal
Every meeting has to have a purpose, whether you’re starting up a project or just keeping everyone updated on the projects that your department is working on, and keeping that goal in mind is essential. Staying focused on your goal will help ensure that you get the most out of your meeting. If you don’t have a goal, though, the time you would otherwise have used for a meeting might be better spent on other tasks.

2. Make Sure Everyone Has Been Introduced
The best start to your meeting is ensuring that everyone in the team has been introduced. This is especially important if you’re bringing together a team of employees who don’t work together often or if a new employee is joining you. Introducing everyone isn’t just a get-to-know-you, though—it ensures that everyone knows who to call when they need to follow up on important information.

3. Assign Roles
While a meeting works best when everyone participates, consider assigning roles to keep everything moving smoothly. One person should be leading the conversation, for example, to ensure that you stick to the topics that need to be covered. This also ensures that there’s one person who can wrangle distracted meeting attendees if you start having multiple conversations.

Leading the meeting isn’t the only job, though. If someone isn’t able to make it to the meeting, make sure someone is taking notes for them. If you’ve got a lot to cover, have one person keep track of time and remind everyone when the end time has almost arrived.

4. End When You’ve Said You’ll End
Your day is busy, and so are the days of your meeting attendees! That’s why it’s so important to do your best to end meetings when you’ve said you’ll end them. It’s possible that your meetings might run long, but if you’re constantly running over end times you’re probably trying to cram too much into your meetings.

How do you make the most of your team meetings? Do you have any tips you’d like to share? We’d love to see you join the conversation in the comments below.

4 Communication Mistakes That Can Ruin Your Meetings

communication mistakes that could ruin your personalized print staff meetings, sales meetings and moreWhen you carve out time in your busy schedule to hold a meeting, you want to make sure you use your time effectively and make the most of your time together. However, if you aren’t communicating well, you might be ruining your meetings. Are you making these mistakes—and do you know how to keep them from ruining your meetings?

1. Forgetting the Important Information
If you have important information that should be reviewed before the meeting starts, don’t forget to share it! Not only will this ensure that everyone is on the same page, but it will also save you time in summarizing that information.

2. Having Too Few People at Your Meeting
Have you ever been at a meeting and, midway through, wished that you’d included someone? Sometimes, your meeting can grind to a halt when you don’t have that person there, even if you’re able to track them down or reschedule.

However, there are definitely ways to keep this from making too big of an impact. Did you forget someone important? Was someone not able to be there? Make sure that you take the time to catch up with them after the meeting. This can mean taking notes of all the decisions made at that meeting, keeping note of the questions that you want to ask them, and the pros and cons of undecided issues.

Of course, having too few people at your meeting isn’t the only numbers issue you might face…

3. Having Too Many People At Your Meeting
If you’ve been to enough meetings, you’ll probably have come across an overstuffed meeting before and be very familiar with the issues that these meetings face. It can be hard, with so many people, to have important points heard. And if your meeting has too many people in it, you might find yourself facing another issue…

4. Having Multiple Relevant Conversations Going on At Once
Have you ever been to a meeting where the attendees walked out of the meeting feeling like the group came to very different conclusions? One of the reasons for this might be that the meeting splintered into a few different conversations. This can easily lead to different attendees hearing different information and coming to different conclusions about what the next step is, and that can be a big problem for your projects.

So how can you fix this when two groups of people within the meeting need to address focused points? Don’t just let the meeting wander off into multiple conversations. Instead be intentional when these conversations break off, and make sure to share the decisions with the group when you come back together.

Have you made these communication mistakes? Are we missing a mistake that has impacted your meeting? We’d love to see you join the conversation in the comments below.

Add Style with Engraved Portfolios

Are your customers looking for a way to celebrate big events or for the perfect gift to impress their most important clients? Personalized portfolios make a perfect gift for the busy executive, new graduate, and much more. Are these stylish personalized pieces right for your customer?

Personalized and Practical
One of the biggest reasons for your customer to consider engraved portfolios is that they are as practical as they are stylish. Each one includes a wide ruled memo pad, three inside pockets for easy storage of pens or other daily essentials, and a business card slot. All of this makes the portfolio a great fit for anyone who might need to take notes at meetings, keep track of top points for presentations, and more.

All this practicality comes with lots of personalization potential, too. Personalizing your customer’s portfolio starts with choosing from three shades of faux leather and two different sizes. Engraving extends that personalization potential with a design in the center or corner of the faux leather cover. These engraved designs can feature logos, monograms, text, and more.

An Elegant Gift for Big Events
Because portfolios evoke polish and professionalism, they’re a great fit for special occasions like graduation. After graduation, portfolios are a polished way for new entrants to the workforce to keep notes and a spare copy of their resume on hand for interviews. They are also an excellent way to celebrate new jobs, especially jobs in industries that value that extra bit of elegance like positions at law firms or agencies.

Honor Employees or Impress Important Contacts
While portfolios are a common gift for occasions like graduations, they are a great fit for a wide variety of different elegant gifts. Does your customer have a top employee who they want to recognize? A portfolio is a gift that shows how much they appreciate those efforts. Do they want to impress a client with a gift at a big meeting? Elegant engraved portfolios could be the perfect finishing touch to their sales pitch.

Ready to learn more? Take a look at our catalog for more information.

Have your customers ordered these portfolios yet? What do they like most about them? We’d love to see you join the conversation in the comments below.