The turning of the calendar page to July means we’re in the last half of 2019. And as the weeks and months roll by, 2020 comes more closely into focus. Before you can say fireworks, we’ll be finding ourselves once again in a raucous presidential election year. Show of hands, who’s excited? Whether you’re the type who closely follows every new development on the road to Election Day, or someone who would like to veto the very existence of political TV and radio ads altogether, one thing can be counted on—it’s bound to be another interesting election year!
But in the midst of the caucuses, polls, town hall speeches, and party platforms, we can’t forget the local campaigns that take place right in our own communities. These tend to be overshadowed by the large, nation-wide attention of the presidential elections. But they are just as important! What’s more, they are a front runner for potential label sales, often beating their national level election campaigns by a landslide in terms of units sold at the local level.
Hogwash? Fake news? Absolutely not. Labels can help create buzz, allow people to show support, and generate conversations with a variety of different applications. They help to reinforce branding, and can be printed to match campaign yard signs, mailings, and advertisements. Which types of local elections stand to benefit from the use of labels? Here are just a few examples of campaigns that should add label usage to their agendas!
City Council – Driven to solve community issues? Working to strengthen relationships with local law enforcement and emergency personnel? Pushing to save taxpayer dollars through preventive maintenance and increasing economy? Help convey community vision through the use of lapel stickers, bumper stickers, window decals, and more.
School Board—Are safe learning environments a priority? Is fiscal responsibility at the top of the list? Working toward academic growth opportunities? Employ stickers, bumper stickers, and mailing labels to help bolster public dialogue and community engagement when it comes to school board elections.
Referendum—Is a new school building being proposed? A community center, perhaps? Maybe a revitalization of city parks and public spaces? Stickers on local stores’ shopping bags and window decals can help show support to local causes.
Whether it’s a local election for county sheriff, city manager or treasurer, or any of the above, lobbying for the use of labels is a smart choice. Label Works offers a wide variety of labels that can be put to work in creative ways to support candidates and causes. Some additional ways labels can be effective on the campaign trail include:
- “I Voted” stickers—drum up excitement for getting to the polls!
- Window decals and bumper stickers—free advertising on doors, windows, and back bumpers!
- Water bottle labels—hand out some much-appreciated H2O at parades, picnics, or other local get-togethers
- Address labels for mailings—help convey logos and brand identities for a cohesive campaign plan
- ID or nametag stickers—ovals, circles, or a customized shape using our freeform™ laser cut labels!
- Tech decals—drum up excitement with students by handing out stickers that address issues and causes. Suggest they adhere them to laptops, smartphones, iPads, and other tech devices to spread the word!
Label Works offers low minimums starting at 100, as well as quick production time. In most cases, we can have labels in your hand in as little as 24 hours (no bribes necessary!). Encourage your customers to cast their ballots in favor of campaigns that include the use of labels. They’re guaranteed to be a winning addition to their campaign endeavors!
For questions about any Label Works products, please call us at 800.522.3558. Our customer service representatives are happy to answer any questions you may have.