Custom Letterhead and Envelopes: A Perfect Pair

When consumers go out to their mailbox, what they see can make a big difference in whether their mail gets opened. Polished, branded envelopes and letterhead are an essential way to add your customer’s brand to every mailing.

Why Coordinate?
The first reason your customers probably think of for buying letterhead and envelopes together is to create a complete stationery suite, and that’s a great place to start. Stationery envelopes are meant to coordinate with your customer’s letterhead order, which means that they can easily match the stock and print to create a stationery look with the utmost professionalism.

And coordinating stationery pieces does create a more professional look. It will make your customer’s messaging look put-together, and that can help consumers see your customer as more professional.

Beyond Stationery
Envelopes aren’t just the finishing touch for your customer’s stationery suite, though. They can also bring your customer’s brand to every mailing they send out. Stationery envelopes are just one part of a complete coordinated print set for your customer’s business, and bringing it all together can help them look as professional as possible to consumers.

Business envelopes printed with your customer’s logo are a great way to bring their brand to everyday mailings like invoices and account statements even before the envelope is opened. Even better, consumers will know exactly who sent their mail, so they’ll know at a glance who the mailing is from. This makes invoices and account statements more noticeable.

And if your customer has a larger mailing to send out, envelopes can bring their brand to catalogs, large booklets, paperwork packets, and more. Not only are these pieces branded, but they can also help protect these larger pieces better than sending them as a self-mailer will.

Which are your customers’ favorite envelopes? Leave us a comment below to tell us more about how your customers use envelopes in their business.

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