Is it Time For Your Customers to Update Their Form Design?

When your customers use a form every day, it can be easy to let it stay exactly the same. However, if they’re looking to add another touch of branded flair to their day-to-day interactions with consumers, their form offers big opportunities! Not only are custom forms a blank canvas for their creation, but they can use their form as a foundation for better brand recognition. Here are some simple ways for customers to update their form design.

Remove the Information They Don’t Need
One of the biggest benefits of custom forms is that your customer can include all the information they need and save space by not including anything that they don’t actually need. When it comes time for your customer to update their form design, it’s also a good time to take a look at the information that they have on their form. Is there a piece of information that often gets included in a note on a Post-it® Note when the form gets filed? Is there a form category that your customer simply doesn’t use anymore? It’s time to make an adjustment!

Put it in Full Color
If your customer has been using the same form design for a long time, chances are that they haven’t updated the details that could make their form truly shine. One of the best—and quickest—ways for your customers to update their form design is to put their logo in full color if they’ve previously used black and white forms.

And, if you want to take that full color logo to the next level…

Add a Pop of Branding
Your customer’s form is a branded piece that will be seen by many of the consumers they work with, so adding a bit more of their brand is a great way to increase brand recognition. Your customer can easily add a border of one of your customers’ brand colors or use their brand fonts to create a cohesive look.

Add a Photo to the Header
Does your customer work in an industry that values great visuals? Add a photo to the header! Whether they decorate cakes, work as a contractor for striking remodeling projects, or offer design services, a photo can be a great reminder of what their clients will receive. They’re also a great visual nod to the design of brochures or sales sheets that consumers might be looking at to make their order.

When your customers update their form design, what special touches do they love most? We’d love to see your suggestions in the comments below.

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