Matte Finishes are Anything But Dull!

matte gold foil on a legal business cardMatte finishes are back on trend, and your customers should consider them for their next print piece! Whether they love the look of an uncoated stock or are looking for a subtle touch of metal without a high gloss shine, matte finishes, here are just a few of the reasons your customers should use matte finishes for their next print piece.

Uncoated Stocks Let Texture Shine Through
If your customer is looking for a classic, elegant look, uncoated stocks bring their texture to the forefront! The texture of an uncoated stock gives it a handmade, tactile appeal that feels high end.

Uncoated stocks give your customers a variety of other benefits, too! They are easier to write on, so if your customer is hoping to include a handwritten note on their business card or to sign their announcements by hand they might want to stick to uncoated stocks. Your customer can also be sure that their print piece will look cleaner because fingerprints and smudges won’t show up after their print piece has been touched.

Uncoated Stocks and Color
In matte prints, colors are slightly more muted, giving colors and images a more natural feel. While vibrant hues are a great option for some customers, these subtler colors are a good fit for print pieces with a more muted color palette. This also gives a print piece a more classic feel instead of the sleek look of a coated stock.

Matte Foils are Subtle and Elegant
When your customers think of foil, they probably think of a shiny finish first and foremost. However, they can also choose foils that give them the look of classic gold or silver in a matte or dull finish. Our graphic designers recommend dull foils especially for markets that value a subtle and classic look with high end flair: law firms, financial institutions, and other well-established businesses.

Matte foils also add another benefit: readability. Because there is no glare on a dull foil, they are easier to read and keep your customer’s message and branding in the forefront.

Dull Foil for Designer’s Choice!
Like we mentioned before, when we talked to our team’s graphic designers they had a lot to say about the love of matte finishes. They said that they prefer dull foil because they find it more attractive and more subtle. They also said that dull foil stands out because many printers don’t offer it as an option and as a result it’s a less common finishing touch for business cards, announcements, and other print pieces.

Do your customers like matte finishes? Or do they prefer something shinier? We’d love to see you join the conversation in the comments below.


  1. Bennett Printing Company says

    I thought that a true matte stock is a coated stock.

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