We Love Print

There’s a lot to love about print, from the subtle look of embossing to the texture of a particularly well-chosen stock to the ability to personalize cups, pens, and much more. To celebrate the holidays and our love of print, I talked to a number of members of the Navitor team and asked them what they love about print.

What did they love most?

infographicWhat do you love about print? Did any of these quotes hit home with you, or is there another product you particularly love? Tell us about it in the comments below.

Something New on Navitor.com

We are continuing to make our website the best ordering tool for you. The upcoming release the evening of December 12th, will introduce the new feature of Coupons!

You will notice that when you log in you have a new feature on the My Account page, a new area for coupons.

When you have coupons available to use they will display in this area.

With each coupon, you can click on the code to open a new page that will display more information about the coupon.

  • You can view what the coupon is valid for
  • View the end date of the coupon
  • View the max uses of the coupon
  • View the number of times that the coupon has been used

There will be instances that you may have a coupon available to use that we provided to you that may not display in the coupon area, however, the coupon will be valid when you enter the code in the shopping cart.

In the shopping cart there is also an option to View All Coupons when this is clicked, a new window will appear with the available coupons. Simply click on the coupon that applies to your cart and the coupon will automatically be added.

And we’re not done yet. We have many more enhancements planned throughout the next year and beyond. Remember to check back in the beginning of January to view all of the new 2020 catalogs! Please let us know what you think of the site — as well as any suggestions you have for making Navitor.com better.

Want to Start 2020 on the Right Foot? Take a Look Back at the Best of Years Past

Sometimes the best way to make the New Year a success is to take the best lessons from the past. With that in mind, we’re celebrating the last quarter of the year by highlighting some of our favorite articles from past Insiders. We hope this will let you start the New Year right.

What’s in store for you? In October, we’ll be showing off articles from 2016. November will be looking back at the best of 2017. December will feature the favorites from 2018. Be sure to sign up for the Navitor newsletter to stay up to date, and keep an eye on your inbox to get weekly reminders of these favorite articles alongside new ideas, new product announcements, and more!

To get the ball rolling, we’d love to hear if you have any favorites! Let us know in the comments below.

How to Accept—and Use—Customer Compliments

Listening to customer complaints is challenging but essential when doing business. We all have experience with handling an order that didn’t go quite as they expected or a shipping delay. But just as challenging—and perhaps more difficult to handle—is positive feedback. How can you build on a compliment to get better at your job? How can you use it to make the customer’s next order even better? Here are our tips for accepting positive feedback, and for building on it to lead to even more future success.

Thank Your Customer
This might seem like the obvious first step—and for many people it is—but it bears repeating that thanking your customer for the positive feedback is important. Not only does it show that you’ve listened and appreciated their feedback, but it shows that you would appreciate more in the future. Positive feedback can boost morale at your business, and encouraging it to come again can help keep the positivity flowing.

Don’t Brush it Off
For some people, it can be tempting to downplay your successful customer interaction. Don’t do that! Brushing off the compliment with “It was nothing” or “No problem” might seem like you are emphasizing that you would be willing to do more for your customer, but it can come across as ungracious. A simple “Thank you” really is the best option in most cases.

Follow Up
Following up isn’t fishing for compliments—it’s making the feedback clearer. Take a moment to ask your customer if they would be willing to go into more detail about what made their order experience a positive one. That way you can learn more about what you did right and, hopefully, build a foundation for repeating that success in the future.

Does your customer not have time now? Ask if they would be willing to receive a call from you later to discuss it further. This will give you the chance to learn more and emphasize that you value your customer’s time.

Remember What You Did Well and Talk About it Later
One piece of positive feedback can make you feel warm and fuzzy inside—many pieces of positive feedback can be a useful tool in your marketing arsenal. You don’t necessarily need to encourage customers to publish public reviews, but listen to what they are saying. Do they love the quality of the print you offer? Was your customer service top-notch? Did you have the product they wanted and a few that they didn’t even know were available? If you’re hearing one piece of positive feedback consistently you should be talking about that value when working with new customers.

How do you approach positive feedback from customers? We’d love to hear your feedback in the comments below.

Marketing: It’s Time to Shake Things Up!

alarm clock announcing that it's time to change your personalized print marketing

Whether you’re feeling stuck in a rut with your marketing efforts or you want to reach out to a new audience, sometimes you need to shake things up with your marketing efforts! If you’re looking to make a change, here are a few tips for shaking things up with your marketing strategy.

Shake Things Up on Social Media
Because it moves quickly and changes just as quickly, the social media world can be a great way to shake things up with your marketing strategy. First and foremost, if you don’t have an online presence for your business you should definitely create social media pages as a new way to connect with customers. Once you’ve created these pages, it’s time to get started!

If your marketing is a highly polished and conservative affair, consider using social media to show a more casual, more human face to your business. Depending on your customer base, you might also want to show off the visual flair of the print you provide by sharing photographs on social media. This gives you a chance to show a different side of your business and possibly appeal to a whole new market.

Experiment With Seasonal Marketing
With the holidays coming up, you might want to think about how you can create seasonal marketing for your business. Not only is embracing the holiday season a great way to shake up your marketing and give you the chance to try something new, it is also a great way to experiment with new things without dedicating your marketing strategy to them long term.

Talk to Your Customers
Are you looking for a lower-risk opportunity for change? Talk to your existing customers about what they love about your business and what they wish they had known when they first started to do business with you. You might find that you aren’t highlighting the best that you have to offer and have the opportunity to change your marketing for the better.

Reach Out to Find New Ideas
This isn’t just one way to shake up your marketing—it’s opening the door to potentially endless ways! By reading books or blogs and following social media accounts written by people outside your specific industry you might find inspiring new ideas. As print professionals, you have a lot of choices—read a book on marketing strategies from a professional marketer, read blog posts about the markets that you work with most often, or follow small business owners to learn about a variety of new topics.

How do you shake up your marketing efforts? We would love to see you join the conversation in the comments below.

Labels for Nonprofits

In a world that’s constantly on the go, why settle for advertising that stays put? Get your message out and about! Cost effective and multi-functional, labels can play a supporting role in engaging donors and increasing the awareness of your cause or organization.

A non-profit organization was looking to create a sticker that would help show support at an upcoming marathon fundraiser. The labels needed to stick firmly to runners’ outfits from the starting line to the finish line and arrive quickly to have in time for the race.

The non-profit was pleased to find that they could create a colorful, custom-shaped label using freeform™ laser cutting and digital printing. Not only was the process budget-friendly and useful in creating a unique label shape and image, it also allowed the label to arrive more quickly. This meant that they had a sticker that was instantly recognizable on every runner, stayed on their clothes throughout the race and had it in time for the race.

The stickers also featured printed label liners to talk about why the labels were created and helped explain the group’s cause to race attendees. This meant that it was easy to distribute not just the labels, but also a message about the importance of showing support.

Of course, not everything about this quick turnaround was down to the label. Sometimes, the choice of supplier is just as important as the choice of which label to print. The non-profit found that, with a little extra help from their supplier to make sure their labels arrived in a timely fashion, the label they chose brought with it some great benefits:

  • Runners were able to show their support and the custom label shape was easily recognized on their shirts
  • Labels stayed adhered to runners’ clothing during the entire marathon
  • With freeform™ laser cutting, there was no additional cost for a die to create the custom shape
  • Printed label liners allowed race organizers to easily explain their cause and why the labels were created

Labels can also assist with fundraising efforts and to secure sponsorships. They can help with drumming up interest, announce a person’s participation in an event or charity drive, thank contributors, and decorate event paraphernalia, just to name a few.

So what types of labels can non-profits utilize? The list is long, but some of the big ones include:

  • Tech Decals & Stickers Sheets
  • Bumper Stickers
  • Mailing Labels
  • Window Decals
  • Promotional Stickers
  • Water Bottle Labels

Whether people choose to run a marathon to help raise funds, wear a fun-and-flirty red dress to stand in solidarity, or simply pin a ribbon to a lapel to show support, there’s a super easy and very visual way to help spread the word about non-profit organizations and fundraisers. Labels Works products! The possibilities for advertising with labels are truly endless and the more the public sees a logo or symbol, the more familiar they become with the cause it represents.

Looking for label inspiration? Check out our selling resources for an online catalog, sales tools and so much more. As always, if you need label or pricing help, please contact Label Works at 800.522.3558 or customercare@labelworks.com. We’re here to answer any of your label questions!

What Your Customers Say—And What it Really Means

When you talk to your customers, sometimes you need to decode what they’re asking for. Whether it’s a technical term that they aren’t familiar with or navigating their desire to be polite, talking to your customers can be like a lot like translating. Here are a few of the things you might hear your customers say—and what they really mean.

(And, remember, we love our customers, and we know you appreciate your customers, too. This is only for fun.)

1. What Customers Say: “I definitely need [product].”
What Customers Mean: “I’m pretty sure I need this product because I’ve used it in a similar situation before and I’m not ready to change.”

2. What Customers Say: “I want people to know that this is our brand.”
What Customers Mean: “Make the logo big.”

3. What Customers Say: “Could you make that logo a little bigger?”
What Customers Mean: “Could you make that logo a lot bigger?”

4. What Customers Say: “It’s a shame that you have to work on holidays/weekends.”
What Customers Mean: “This is probably a pain for you, but I’m really glad that you’re open because it’s the only day that I have to place this order.

5. What Customers Say: “Can you make it pop?”
What Customers Mean: “Make it shiny and colorful. Maybe add more detail. No, more colorful.”

6. What Customers Say: “I’m on a tight budget.”
What Customers Mean: “My wish list is much bigger than my budget. I’m probably going to look at your pricing quote and ask if you can adjust the pricing a bit.”

7. What Customers Say: “I like it, but…”
What Customers Mean: “I don’t actually like it at all, but I’m trying to be polite.”
What Customers Might Also Mean: “I’m realizing now that the more expensive thing you showed me before would have made me happier.”

8. What Customers Say: “I don’t have a budget in mind!”
What Customers Mean: “I’ve definitely got a budget in mind, but I haven’t put a number on it just yet.”

9. What Customers Say: “I’ll know what I want when I see it.”
What Customers Mean: “I don’t know what I want, and chances are I’ll want to see every sample you have before I know what I want.”

10. What Customers Say: “What’s the turn time on that?”
What Customers Mean: “I should have placed this order a few weeks ago, but time got away from me and now I need to get it fast.”

11. What Customers Say: “Let’s change it back to how it was before.”
What Customers Mean: “I know I had a lot of requests, but I’m starting to realize that they didn’t get this to look like I wanted it to and it’s easier not to change.”

Have you heard these customer comments? Are there others that you’ve had to decode? We’d love to see you join the conversation in the comments below.

Have You Met These Voicemail Characters?

people who might be on the voicemail for your personalized print business, image of two smart phones and the characters on themYou’ve missed a call. Maybe you stepped out of the office for a moment, or maybe you were out of town for a few days. You might have even received a call over the weekend when your business wasn’t open. Whatever the reason, you’ve got a voicemail, and one of these characters might be waiting for you! Have you met these characters on your voicemail?

The Lost Information
This person may be nervous, or they simply might be forgetful. Either way, you’re missing some important information on their call. The Lost Information often forgets the information you need to get back to them: their full name, their phone number, their order number, and even the question they called to ask in the first place! While caller ID can help, chances are you’ll need to return their call—or even do some research and guesswork to figure out whether they’re an existing customer—before you can actually help them with their request.

And you might have also met The Lost Information’s twin…

The Double-Caller
Unlike The Lost Information, you don’t have to track down the information this caller forgot—that’s what their second message is for! The Double-Caller can be very helpful because they fill in the additional information you missed in the first message. However, it’s a good idea to take notes while listening to their messages because the important details might be split between the two messages.

The Mumbler
You’re going to need to listen to this message a few times! The Mumbler doesn’t speak quite loud enough into their phone, but without a person on the other end of the line they didn’t have a chance to adjust their volume while leaving their message. As a result, you might have to listen again to catch what they are saying.

The Speedy Speaker
Like the mumbler, you’re going to need to listen to this message more than once to make sure you’ve caught anything. When you’re dealing with a Speedy Speaker, they might be perfectly clear, but they speak so quickly that you may only catch part of the important information when you listen the first time. The Speedy Speaker might also surprise you by leaving a message at normal speed but rattling off their contact information so quickly that you can barely catch it. Either way, get ready to listen a few times.

The Unintended Visitor
This person didn’t intend to leave a message—in fact, they didn’t even intend to call! The Unintended Visitor dialed you accidentally, and their voicemail message reflects it. You might hear muted conversation, clothing rustling around the pocket the phone was in, or vehicle noise. The good news, though, is that you don’t need to worry about returning this call.

The Distracted Dialer
This character in your voicemail is doing their best to leave a great message, but something keeps getting in the way. Someone might be talking to them while they try to leave the message, or they might be talking in a busy area. Whatever the reason, the Distracted Dialer is just that—distracted. As a result, like the Lost Information, some important details might be missing.

The Final Word
We all want The Final Word in our voicemail! Their messages are short, sweet, and to the point. They include all the information you need to get back to them about their question. Their messages aren’t just great to receive: they also allow you to return the call quickly and get back to your day.

Have you met these characters in your voicemail? We’d love to see you join the conversation in the comments below.

4 Sales and Marketing Tools You Can Use Without Leaving the Air Conditioning

personalized print sales tools you can use without leaving the air conditioningWhen summer heat is here, sometimes it’s nice for both you and your customers to stay inside where it’s cool. That makes summer the perfect time for digital sales tools! Not only are these tools an ideal way to inform your customers about your product offering, they also allow both of you to stay cool. Here are four of the best sales and marketing tools you can use without leaving air conditioning behind.

Getting Digital with Emails
Emails are a wonderful tool when the weather heats up. You can send a company newsletter. You can start a conversation with your customer about their order or ask whether they need to stock up on a product they ordered last summer around this time. You can send PDF proofs of your customer’s print piece for one last check before the order goes to press. Emails are a modern essential sales tool for a reason.

And don’t forget to update your email signature with favorite products for summer or with a link to a digital sales tool. Speaking of links to sales tools…

Send More Information Fast With ZOOMcatalog
When you’re showing your customers the wide selection of print products that your business offers, don’t be afraid to send them the entire Navitor catalog! ZOOMcatalog gives you the option to personalize an unbranded version of our catalog and either download the PDF or link your customers to it directly. This gives your customers the time they need to browse those products.

Highlight Products with Digital Flyers
Want to highlight a single product without getting bogged down with an entire catalog? We’ve got the digital tools for you! Download an unbranded flyer and attach it to an email for a ready-made awareness campaign or send a flyer when starting an email conversation with customers who are interested in a particular product. We’ve also got vertical market focused sales flyers to you to explore.

Keep it Simple With Your Phone—and Your Voicemail Message
You might use your phone every day, but it’s still important to consider when you’re marketing your business—especially when the weather is hot. Whether you’re reaching out to your customers to touch base after some time or you are returning a call with more information about their order, your phone is a powerful way to reach out to your customers wherever they are.

And don’t forget about your voicemail message! Take a moment to record a new message for your business phone to let your customers know both that you’ll return their call and the popular products they might want to add to their order.

How do you keep your marketing efforts moving when the weather is hot? We’d love to see your ideas in the comments below.

Challenging Customers You Might Meet This Summer

challenging customers you might meet in the summer at your custom personalized print businessSummertime is filled with great weather, summer trips, events and distractions, and that can make the sales process challenging. There are also a few customer challenges that you’re more likely to see in the summer. Here are just a few of the challenging customers that you might meet this summer and how to better serve them during this very social season.

The Very Ready Vacationer
You’ve probably worked with this customer. You might have even been this customer when you were on the cusp of an exciting trip. The Very Ready Vacationer might be trying to get as much off their plate as possible, or they might be trying to put off an important meeting until after they’ve returned from their trip. Whichever way they try to clear their schedule for travel, chances are you’re going to run into difficult scheduling with this customer, especially if they also have deadlines to meet.

When you’re working with a Very Ready Vacationer, make sure that you’ve talked about whether there are any deadlines that will hit during their absence. If there are, ask them about how you can contact them with important questions or who to contact while they are away. If they need their print pieces after they’ve returned, take a moment to touch base with them once they’re back.

And, speaking of vacations…

The Wistful Worker
When you have a customer who isn’t going on vacation—but really wishes they were—you face an entirely different kind of distraction. This person might try to rush every sales meeting or forget what you’ve told them because they aren’t necessarily focusing on the work ahead of them.

How can you connect better with the wistful worker? When they’re distracted, logic is less likely to bring back their attention. Show them something exciting or ask them what they’re most interested in to get them more emotionally engaged in the conversation.

The Unconventional Office
Summer can lead to some unconventional work environments, and that can lead to big distractions. When your customer is working outside to take advantage of great weather, working from a coffee shop to change things up, or working from a summer event where they are promoting their business, the Unconventional Office can be difficult to speak to over the phone. Consider switching to email or text unless you need to have a conversation.

The Friday Flyer
This person’s personal life got much busier when summer started, and they’re prone to flying out the door earlier in the afternoon. And their absence might not just be an early exit on a Friday. Whether it’s children’s activities or sports event, the Friday Flyer’s absence can be a challenge no matter the cause. They might not be there to receive your call, and that can leave you without the information you need to move forward with their order.

When you’re dealing with a Friday Flyer, documentation and planning ahead are key. Try to use email to schedule conversations ahead of time, and, if you aren’t able to update them in a conversation, leave a message and include a mention of when you intend to follow up. And, if you need more information from them, make sure that you tell them exactly what information you need and that their order is on hold until you’ve heard back from them.

Have you met these challenging customers? How do you handle these summery challenges? We’d love to see you join the conversation in the comments below.