7 Days to Successful Prospecting

Let’s cut to the chase, prospecting probably isn’t on your list of favorite things to do. But it is a very important part of sales. It’s common for distributors to put it off – because there are so many important tasks to get done. Yet just like all the other phases of the sales process, prospecting requires focus and effort.

In addition to your concentration and energy, employing effective practices that actually fetch more well-qualified leads keeps you from wasting your valuable time and might just make you a little more partial to prospecting. Hey, if it works, it’s more fun to do, right? The following fresh sales prospecting tactics can help you find better leads and convert them to customers more often. Take advantage of these action-oriented methods that offer short-term and long-term planning tools for better engagement that eventually lead to customer conversions.

Make prospecting a priority
Start by reimagining your workday and dedicate at least two hours per day to your future success. Research shows 82% of top-performing salespeople spend four hours or more a day on selling. By prioritizing your time this way and blocking off 2-hour increments, you’re making an investment in you that will pay off big time. Once you’ve allocated time each day, commit to performing one of the seven actions below to turn into a lead-generating powerhouse. These can be done in an order that feels best to you, and remember, shoot for progress, not perfection.

Day 1 – Create your current customer profile
Start easy by pulling together a list of your top five customers and your top five most profitable customers. Creating an ideal customer profile negates the chances of wasting your time and efforts chasing unproductive leads. Use your customer profile to start building your ideal prospecting list. For example, if one of your top clients is in the banking industry and your contact is the Branch Manager, Google “banks in my area”. Jot down those search results. Then go to LinkedIn and search “Branch Manager” in your area and start searching for those specific banks. When you find that International Bank’s Branch Manager in your city is listed right there, add her to your prospecting list….and continue this process. Identifying 50-100 people for this list is a great start that will last you a couple of months.

Your prospecting list is probably one of the most important assets within your outreach. You’ll be sending great content soon; you need to make sure you’re targeting the right audience. LinkedIn is a first choice for top sellers to build a highly targeted B2B prospect list. The customizable search feature allows for plenty of filters to narrow down your search and find the most qualified prospects.

Day 2 – Assess your social pages & website
Take an honest look at your website and your social profiles. When was the last time you really gave each a much-needed update? Freshening your pages might not seem like a big deal, but don’t underestimate the importance of making updates in terms of looks, functionality, and content. With the majority of your potential customers spending more and more time online, regular and well-executed renovations can help your business grow. Set three priorities for the short term and three priorities for the long term. Check out some pro-tips in our Reaching New Audiences webinar on how you can start updating your website so it can be used as a selling tool.

Day 3 – Make three updates to your short-term list
Social media is one of the most important aspects of digital marketing, making it incredibly easy to spread the word about your products and service

s. Starting there is an easy and stress-free way to increase your business visibility fast. Your top priority can be maximizing your profile with a great (and current) profile picture and an i

mpactful cover photo. Consider free image sites like pexels for stunning cover photos. Add a call to action in your profiles that pushes traffic to your website, blog or newsletter and prompts more engagement, like “Follow”, “Discover More” or “Sign Up”. Your “About You” section should be engaging and creative, conveying your value proposition and the benefits of working with you.

Day 4 – Create three prospecting emails
B2B buyers check their email multiple times a day. As marketers, we can’t ignore the importance of a strong email marketing strategy.

Make sure you are using your company email address to add legitimacy to your pitch. Avoiding Gmail, Hotmail or AOL email addresses will keep your emails from automatically landing in junk mail folders. Including a great subject line and concise but personalized content will get and keep a reader’s attention. Communicate like a real person and show the benefits of your offering. And don’t forget a strong call to action. Check out sample subject lines, opening statements and email content ideas here.

Day 5 – Create three social posts for the next week
We hear a lot of distributors questioning the value of social media. And yes, social media can be frustrating because you can’t tie it directly to sales. But social drives awareness. Awareness leads to conversion. Some of the benefits of social media are:

  • Brand recognition
  • Increased website traffic
  • Enhanced SEO rankings
  • Marketplace awareness

Start by focusing your attention on one platform. We suggest LinkedIn because customers will often look for you there. Dedicating some time to this arguably most cost-effective marketing channel will improve brand awareness while you ramp up engagement and interaction. The most ideal times to post, along with the best types of content for LinkedIn, and what makes the perfect Facebook post can be found here.

Day 6 – Tackle your top three long-term priorities
Most of us fill our days with managing the endless tiny details without taking time to regularly step back and look at the bigger picture. Turning long-term goals into reality takes a clear, actionable plan. Some top priorities from distributors are: adding eCommerce to their website, adding more products to their website, and updating the look of their website.

For today, list your three long-term priorities, and when you’re going to start. Don’t worry about all the details today, just set your start dates for each one over the next 12 months. Book that in your calendar and that will be when you start to dedicate more time to these larger priorities. Schedule when and how long you’ll work toward your long-term goals.

Day 7 – Get three meetings
It takes on average 5-8 touches to land a meeting. A practical goal for today could be 20 emails, four phone conversations, and three scheduled meetings. Studies found 82% of buyers accept meetings with salespeople who reach out to them. Who knew? Use LinkedIn to find people in your network that are connected with your prospects. Some of your 20 emails that you’re sending today could be to current customers for referrals.

Phone calls help build that personal relationship more quickly than other methods of contact. We’ve compiled some stats, tips, and stellar phone prospecting best practices here.

In conclusion
The most valuable part of prospecting is your own time. And the math is simple:

More prospects = more chances to close a sale

Instead of saying “How can I prioritize prospecting?”, we challenge you to say “I am prioritizing the future of my company.” Every day is your chance to recommit to your future. We’re here to help walk you through your 7 Days to Successful Prospecting. With our support and innovations, you’ll be well on your way to finding better leads and converting more prospects into customers.

CBD and Cannabis Sales Start with Shelf Presence

Imagine you’re walking through a dispensary or a retail store that sells CBD. There’s definitely no shortage of new and interesting products to choose from on the shelves. How purchase decisions are made is part art, part science. Packaging plays a more important role in those decisions than you might think. It is a driving factor in determining what product you walk out of the store with. Since packaging is often a consumer’s first introduction to a product, it pays to be innovative and unique in order to stand out on a crowded shelf and get noticed.

The importance of product packaging is multi-faceted and can make all the difference in ensuring a great first impression and lasting brand loyalty. Here are a few tips and tricks for strategic product packaging:

Keeping the product safe for its journey from production through distribution, and from store shelves to buyer’s homes is where it all starts. Preventing damage with a sturdy and reliable package is foundational, followed by convenience and ease of use. There are plenty of standard options with a wide range of weights to ensure functionality and convenience and also differentiate the packaging. Once fit-for-purpose and functionality are checked off, you can move into the more artistic points that attract customers and encourage them to buy the product.

Packaging is the primary marketing medium in the cannabis industry, making first impressions everything. Buying decisions are influenced by how the packaging promotes and displays the product inside. On average, it takes only seven seconds to form a first impression. With such limited time, the best way to stand out on the shelf is with unique, high-quality, and creative packaging. This includes both printing and finishing methods that help the consumer perceive the value of the product and provide a great experience. We specialize in making the packaging more appealing and attractive while adhering to brand standards and necessary regulations.

Brand Awareness
Product packaging is not just a reflection of the product inside, but the brand as a whole. Innovative packaging differentiates brands. To influence buying and create brand awareness, it’s important that consumers can easily determine what the product is and make associations with the brand. Combining exceptional printing processes with high-quality materials yields a more memorable experience with a brand. Choosing the best substrates and impactful, high-resolution images on the package can help boost brand awareness.

Special Touches
Custom finishes and coatings add uniqueness and help step up shelf visibility. They highlight design elements, elevate the tactile experience and add dimension. Processes like debossing, embossing, foil stamping, spot color, and intricate die-cutting transform the appearance of products on the shelf. Finishing extras such as UV gloss coating, spot UV, soft-touch lamination, aqueous satin, and raised UV give packages a snazzy, polished look.

Integrated Elements
An effective way to set products apart and help them stand out on the shelf is through creative integration with additional elements including matching bottle labels, inserts, and hangtags around the packaging.

Collaboration with Navitor, your trusted packaging expert, is key to making your product stand out on the shelf. Our innovations and ideations will bring your vision to life. Check out Packaging now.

Pricing Will Hold Steady

In an effort to make things a little easier for you in the coming year, we’re
holding our catalog pricing through 2021. So, hang on to your current catalogs, and keep an eye out for a mini-catalog with recent innovations and trending products on its way to you soon.

  • As always, utilize our digital catalogs for the most up-to-date product information. Even rebrand them with your own logo using ZOOM Catalog.
  • Coming Soon! Mini-Catalog

Sneak Peek!

The Holiday Shopping Season Redefined

It’s snow joke – we are in for a holiday season unlike any other we’ve been through. The traditional merriment we look forward to each year involves eating, drinking, and singing together in a cozy room … all among the highest risk scenarios for transmitting viruses. It’s pretty unlikely we’ll see shoppers lined up before sunrise for Black Friday deals, or rushing to crowded stores for last-minute gift buying. No matter the circumstances, this is the time of year when retailers and other businesses start to mull over their holiday plans and prepare for what promises to be an unprecedented holiday season. How will the pandemic affect what has traditionally been retailers’ busiest time of year? Rest assured, we have some ideas around what can be expected. If unprepared, yule be sorry … but by preparing for what’s to come and offering innovative ideas and options, yule be sleighing it.

Where the holiday dollars will go
Money typically spent on heavily attended parties and festive gatherings, travel, and enormous grocery bills for huge dinners instead will go toward gift-giving, albeit with some differences. Experiential gifts like concert and event tickets, restaurant gift cards, and massage certificates are out, while popular merchandise categories – things you can hold in your hands (after sanitizing, of course) – are in.

Shoppers starting early
Gift-givers will be coming out of quarantine as holiday shopping season starts earlier than normal. Opting to shop during less volume-heavy times, consumers are likely to buy sooner rather than later in order to avoid crowds and to make sure the items on their lists are even available. From a shopper’s standpoint, one of the biggest challenges during the pandemic has been product availability. Supply chains are compromised and inventory is low. Making matters worse, deliveries take longer than normal because as the volume increases, shipping delays only get worse. To avoid out-of-stocks and account for anticipated shipping delays, shoppers will be starting early.

Business gift-giving
Businesses reaching out to customers and employees at the holidays this year will opt for cards and gifts as alternatives to dinners and parties. In order to show their gratitude and appreciation for the loyalty of their customers and employees over the past year, corporate giving will likely be at an all-time high. Branded promotional products are sure to be in high demand as businesses manage their customer and employee gift-giving from a distance.

Retail shopping holiday makeover
Without question, COVID-19 has transformed the retail shopping experience. The holiday shopping season will look quite different this year as retailers find themselves mired in the coronavirus. Here are some of the changes in store for us this year:

  • No more Black Friday lines – large retailers like Target, Macy’s, Foot Locker, JCPenney, Bed Bath & Beyond, and Best Buy have all announced that they’ll close stores on Black Friday
  • Buy online, pick up in-store – COVID-19 pushed shoppers online early in the pandemic, and not only has that trend not slowed, but it will also pick up speed in the coming weeks
  • Still social distancing – but in a more festive manner – soon all those banners, signs, floor and window decals will look very merry
  • Pop-up sales outside – expect to see outdoor pop-up shops in cities with climates that can accommodate them
  • Extra sanitation – safeguarding the health of staff and shoppers will require sanitation stations and signage throughout stores, especially near return counters
  • Curbside pickup – emerged early this year, and expectations among shoppers are that this option will be made available across all retail brands
  • Heavy communication and signage – to cut down the need for face-to-face conversations, directional signs, infographics, posters, and decals will be used to inform shoppers and direct traffic flow
  • More gift buying – with travel money squashed and big gathering spend down, that means a bigger bankroll for gifts

Stand-out products
With all the social and shopping changes brought about by the pandemic, there are still innovative products in high demand. Some of the top holiday options include calendars, greeting cards, glitter stock items, custom packaging, promotional products, custom gift wrap, labels, face coverings, holiday signage, direct mail, and much more. Communication and information exchange are not the only things going contactless this holiday season: Expressing gratitude and thanks will be done through gift-giving and showing appreciation without the typical holiday get-togethers.

The takeaway
To really make an impact this year, make sure you’re giving your customers the information they need – and preparing early is critical. Have your stocking stuffed full of ideas your customers will love (from head to mistletoe). Even though most hugs will be saved until next year, we’re still here to help you navigate the 2020 Holiday Season. We’re your go-to resource with ideas and innovative ways to work through the challenges you’re facing and uncover the opportunities this shopping season brings. For some great options, check out our online booklet Reinventing Holiday Traditions in the Next Normal.

Packaging Success Starts with Innovative Thinking

Whether you are shopping online or in an actual brick and mortar store, retail and virtual shelves are jam-packed with products. A major factor in determining the success of these products is the packaging. Packaging delivers one more brand message to consumers in the final stage before purchasing. A quality product is table stakes for repeat buying, but how much weight do you think packaging holds in that equation? More than you know. To break through the clutter of hundreds of other competing products, it pays to be different. We’re talking about being innovative and unique in order to get a product noticed. Packaging builds brands and gives a product personality. First impressions count, and even if we don’t want to be judgy, people do judge a product by what it comes in.

Grab attention
Let’s first look at ways to capture eyes in the aisles. Today there are a plethora of standard paper stocks as well as unique textures and specialty paper options in a wide range of weights to help differentiate the package. High-quality cartons that stand out with innovative printing and finishing methods while meeting product specifications and adhering to brand standards generate more attractive packaging and lucrative results.

Be recognizable
Consumers form an opinion about a brand the moment they see the packaging. Make it count. And once noticed, it’s vital that consumers can easily determine what the product is and make any brand associations that are important to them. There are both traditional offset and offset-quality digital printing methods that upgrade your branded packaging to a branded experience. Bring together quality print with premium materials for full-color impact and memorable outcomes.

Elicit emotion and action
Create awareness and excitement while showcasing elements significant to the brand and its mission. Maybe it’s quality, maybe it’s conscientiousness. Perhaps crisp folds, perfect sizing, strength or possibly flexibility makes the brand statement. It could be choosing to use certified recyclable materials, such as those endorsed by the FSC® (Forest Stewardship Council) or SFI® (Sustainable Forestry Initiative), which are sourced from the highest available percentage of post-consumer recycled content from local mills. The power of great packaging gives a perceived image and value to the product. How it looks provides for better experiences and raises its profile.

Add a little extra
Custom finishes and coatings add pizazz and pop to retail packaging. Processes like debossing, embossing, foil stamping and spot color printing transform the appearance of products on the shelf. Finishing processes such as UV gloss coating, spot UV, soft-touch lamination, aqueous satin, and gloss coatings, intricate die-cutting, and raised UV give it a snazzy, polished look. These extras highlight design elements, elevate the tactile experience, and add dimension.

Set yourself apart
It’s not the complete package until it’s the complete package. Including related products such as labels, inserts, bottleneckers and hang tags rounds out a comprehensive, well-branded and highly visible product package solution. Tapping into the creative inspiration of organizations like the Retail Packaging Association, and working with consultative partners that bring comprehensive solutions and marketing savvy to packaging programs is your best bet.

Make design the focus of the packaging
Better packaging design sells more products. That’s the bottom line. It’s in the innovation where packaging can accomplish all of what we’ve covered here. Brand managers and package designers spend countless hours exercising their creative chops to develop the right look for their products. The packaging and unboxing presents an experience for the consumer that adds to the product’s appeal. Organizations like the Paperboard Packaging Alliance (PPA), dedicated to promoting the benefits of paperboard packaging, recognize the importance of certain products, and influence preference for these materials in packaging design and selection. Companies that put innovation principles to work and rethink the design of their packaging create magical moments when consumers first spot it when they pick it up and feel it — all the way through their unboxing experience.

The takeaway
Opportunities for packaging innovation can be driven by pivots in consumer behaviors, attitudes, and interests, as well as other macro trends in the marketplace. But true innovation comes from blending consumer desire and product usability with production feasibility and brand voice. Sprinkle in cool packaging options and embellishments to ultimately connect brands with consumers and create moments that matter.

Our expertise, your value-add
We’re here to walk you and your customer through the process of designing and ordering standard or custom packaging. With our innovations, our Paperboard Packaging Council (PPC) membership, and our experience in diverse industries, we are an excellent resource for creative packaging solutions that meet your customers’ needs. It’s this innovation and experience that allows us to deliver The Best Packaging Experience in the industry.

Looking for inspiration? We provide finished package samples for a number of strategic markets to inspire you and your customers. Request a sample kit. The best place to start is by contacting your sales rep. If you’re not sure who your rep is, give us a call at 866.628.3290. We’re here to answer any of your questions.

Voting and Polling Place Safety in the Midst of a Pandemic

No question, voting will look different this year than in the past. Election safety needs have changed dramatically due to COVID-19. Some people are apprehensive about voting in person. Understandably, Americans are looking at all the different ways they can vote in this coming election. Voters and poll workers alike need assurances they can vote and volunteer safely. Putting voters and poll workers at ease with information and safe polling places calms fears and streamlines the voting process. This year you can expect to find more directional signage guiding the traffic flow in and out of polling places via eye-catching wall decals, floor decals, A-Frame signs, sail signs, and stencils.

Communication to voters
In the weeks leading up to the election — this year more than ever — reminding voters where, when, and how they can cast their ballot is necessary. There are many questions on the minds of a large majority of voters and direct mail is a tried-and-true way to communicate with such a mass audience. Not only do politicians rely on direct mail to sway voter opinion, election, and campaign offices trust its reliability to reach voters and encourage election participation. Contactless communication tactics get the message across from a socially distant and safe spot such as door hangers, window decals, and bumper stickers. Large format banners and sail signs announcing early voting and ballot drop off locations draw the attention of voters.

Understanding all the options
Thankfully there’s more than one way to cast a ballot this fall. Each state plays by their own rules, but most include a registration process, offer early voting, absentee ballots, in-person voting, and drop-off voting. USA.gov’s navigation-friendly site is a reliable resource for answers to common and general questions about voting in the United States. To get specific on what options each state offers, FiveThirtyEight has compiled and colorfully illustrated a frequently-updated state-by-state guide to voting in the age of COVID-19. Posters with these options in local libraries, government offices, and recreational facilities will spark higher voter turnout in the community.

Absentee and mail-in voting
The system has its 15 minutes of fame this fall is absentee voting. The terms absentee voting and mail-in voting are often used interchangeably. Absentee ballots refer to ballots that are requested and then mailed when a person can’t vote in person. Mail-in ballots refer to the ballots in the context of policies that allow people to vote by mail. However, some election officials have started using the term “mail-in ballots” or “vote by mail” as states expand absentee ballot eligibility during the pandemic to include people who aren’t actually absent from their precinct at the time of voting. At least 35 states have changed their mail-in absentee voting policies, allowing all voters to apply for an absentee ballot in order to mitigate the spread of COVID-19. Candidates and local governments are using direct mail to get the word out on a mass scale to inform people of the options available to them.

Ballot drop-off
Some states and localities offer ballot drop box locations where voters can drop off absentee and mail-in ballots in sealed and signed envelopes. Some supervised, others unsupervised with security cameras, most have requirements for where they must be located, how many a county must-have, the hours they must be available, and specific security standards. Residents can find useful voter information for their state and region at U.S. Vote Foundation. Each drop-off voting location should be clearly marked with signs and banners giving arriving voters clear instructions throughout the process.

In-person voting
Of course, there will be those dedicated and determined voters that either enjoy the process and prefer to partake on-site, or question whether their vote will be counted if it isn’t cast in-person. For the legion of in-person voters, attracting them to and informing them at the polling place will be essential this election season.

  • Outside spaces
    Attracting passersby to polling places will require highly visible, colorful, and patriotic signage. If the polling place offers curbside ballot drop off, they’ll need to make sure voters know about it. Signs will inform, direct, and keep everyone safe.
  • Once voters arrive
    Areas will require clear indicators where lines form and where to drop off ballots. The demand for extremely noticeable elements for directing and informing will call for portable and durable outdoor signage as well as indoor signage.
  • Inside the polling place
    Safeguarding the health of all who enter the building is critical, and positioning kiosks and barriers will protect both volunteers and voters. Posting CDC guidelines for social distancing and handwashing protocol as well as offering complimentary hand sanitizer stations are a certainty this year. The use of floor decals, retractable banner stands, wall decals, and window decals will inform and direct voters of the safest manner in which to move about the space.
  • Post ballot casting
    Keeping the crowd moving, minimizing exposure, and expediting voters through their process with full knowledge of where to go will require items like A-Frame signs, directional decals, and sail signs to help voters find the exit.

COVID-19 has added new twists to an already complicated election year. Voter turnout could be abysmal given social distancing constraints and other pandemic-driven restrictions. In order to understand all the voting options and have assurance that it is safe to cast their vote this year, voters need communication, communication, and more communication. We’re dedicated to providing health and safety readiness products that support communication, inform voters, and prepare polling places leading up to and through Election Day. For election season safety product ideas, follow this link to polling place health and safety readiness products in the age of coronavirus.

14 Steps We Are Taking to Stay Safe and Keep You Going

At Navitor, we care deeply about our employees, customers, and our communities. To safeguard the health and safety of our employees to ensure you receive what you need to keep our communities safe, we wanted to share our protocols and procedures. We will continue to monitor and review guidelines and recommendations and will adjust plans as necessary. We believe our distributors have made and will continue to make a major impact on the overall health of our local communities across the nation because you have access to a wide range of ideas and solutions for restaurants, retail establishments, schools, hospitals, and more.

The following is a summary of COVID-19 Prevention Practices that we are currently following:

  1. Require all employees whose duties allow them to work remotely to do so
  2. Require the usage of cloth face coverings for all employees working in our facilities
  3. Conducting electronic symptom checks daily through an emergency texting platform housed in our corporate office.  We are following up on any “yes” answers to verify the employees are not in the facility
  4. Conducting frequent cleaning and disinfection on frequently touched surfaces using EPA listed disinfectants for COVID-19
  5. Enforcing CDC guidelines for the safe return of anybody who has developed symptoms or who has tested positive
  6. Conducting enhanced cleaning of areas used by anyone who has tested positive
  7. Conducting contact tracing for anybody who has worked within 6 feet of a person who has received a positive result in the 48 hours prior to the start of their symptoms
  8. Require employee training on cloth face-covering usage and personal symptom checks
  9. Review workplaces for proper social distancing
  10. Install distancing barriers in locations where employees cannot maintain 6 feet of spacing
  11. Restrict internal business travel
  12. Limit location visitors to critical visits only
  13. Conduct weekly update calls with a single point of contact for each location regarding proper COVID-19 procedure
  14. Conduct daily COVID-19 subgroup planning calls and daily COVID-19 Executive Reviews

Your Partner for Architectural Signage

We know that architectural signage projects are different than a regular print order due to the custom nature of the product. It can be a complex process to audit an existing building’s signage and determine what additional signage is required to meet ADA laws or reflect a company’s new brand image.

That’s why we partner with you from the first call to the install.

Working for You
As with any big project, budget and on-time completion are at the forefront of our discussions. Our experts will collaborate with you to present different options at various price ranges. Starting with a site audit, our team will assess the current situation and help create the future vision. Following the completion of the job, we provide a signage report that can be used for reorders.

Inspiring Creativity | Transforming Spaces
A blank piece of paper can create anxiety for a client. We have tools available to spark creativity and aid in the design process. Our Architectural Signage & Visual Graphics Solutions catalog offers:

  • Over 50 pages of inspiration
  • Before and after photos showing the transformation that occurs when adding vibrant signage to different environments
  • An overview of our project management process – including details about the initial inquiry, assessment, proposal, production, installation, and completion of the job

Whether it’s temporary or permanent, architectural signage is critical to establishing a company’s brand. From a practical restroom sign to a feature wall recognizing donors, your options are limitless.

Tap into Our Expertise
We’re here to walk you and your customer through the process of ordering architectural signage. With years of experience in diverse industries, there is an excellent chance we’ve worked on a project similar to what your customer needs. It’s this experience that allows us to partner with you to bring a creative signage solution to your customer.

The best place to start is by contacting your sales rep. If you’re not sure who your rep is, give us a call at 866-628-3290. We’re here to answer any of your questions!

The Business of Badges: How You and Your Customers Can Both Benefit

Almost every industry uses ID badges. You see them on bank tellers, store clerks hotel staff and bartenders. Flight attendants, nurses, and even realtors commonly wear name badges.

Badges provide an opportunity to reinforce a company’s brand while also lending a sense of professionalism. Knowing someone’s name also gives customers a sense of familiarity. And badges encourage employees to go the extra mile, knowing customers might mention them by name.

We offer an extensive selection of name badges to suit any industry.

New Offerings for 2020
Our badge line now includes two new options:

  • Full color printing on alder wood for a natural, aesthetic
  • Sublimation printing on silver or white aluminum for a more industrial feel

Reusable Name Badges
High turnover industries like retail and hospitality particularly appreciate our reusable badges. The ability to use the badges for different employees reduces costs and waste.
Our three reusable name badge options include a full color imprint with different functions:

  • Chalkboard (used with chalk or chalk marker),
  • Plastic (used with a dry erase marker)
  • Window-badge (used with customer-supplied printed name)

Engraved Name Badges
Engraved badges offer supreme durability. Choose from plastic, metal (Flexibrass), or wood. Engraving is permanent and long lasting.

Full Color Print & Sublimation Name Badges
These specialized printing processes can be used with plastic, wood, metal or acrylic for a polished appearance. These badges are ideal for customers with intricate or colorful logos.

Photo ID Badges
Custom ID badges are beneficial to workplaces where additional security is needed. They help distinguish between employees and non-employees.

Name badges are a useful tool for all types of businesses. And any time is a good time to promote them. Badges are a great way for businesses to accentuate their brand and make employees more approachable to customers. Let us know what kind of badges you use in the comments below!

5 Reasons You Should Try our Rebrandable eCatalogs

Did you know that you can rebrand a digital copy of our catalog with your logo and contact information? Creating an ecatalog personalized with your business’s brand takes just a few minutes, and you can use this catalog as a customer-facing sales tool. We have five reasons you should give our rebrandable ecatalog a try.

1. It’s Easy
Creating a branded piece might seem challenging, but rebrandable ecatalogs allow you to add your brand to our catalog with just a few clicks. Simply visit the navitor.com eCatalogs page to get started. Once you’re there, you can select the Navitor Catalog, the Folder Works catalog, the NSP Catalog, or the NSP Architectural Catalog. Once you’ve selected your catalog, click “Personalize” to add your logo—it’s that easy!

Once you’ve created your catalog, you can download your personalized catalog, save the catalog link for future use, or use the zoomcatalog tool to upload your email list and send an email link of your new catalog to your customers.

2. It Gives Your Customers a Chance to Browse On Their Own Time
Whether your customers want to take some time to make their print decisions or would appreciate the ability to browse before their next order, giving them the time they need to make their print decision can help your customers make a more informed decision. You can send all your customers an email link or keep the catalog link to send to new customers as a part of the acquisition process.

3. It Brings Together Your Brand And Your Print Offering
Want to give your customers a strong connection between your business and the print that you offer? Rebrandable ecatalogs can help you do just that. Showing off your logo and contact information will strengthen your brand, and tying that to print will help your business stick in the mind of your customers.

4. It’s Digital
A digital catalog is a flexible tool with staying power. When you’re unable to visit a customer in person or to bring your sales tools to them, a digital catalog is always just a click away. It also makes a great leave-behind, and you’ll never run out of copies.

5. It’s Free
The rebrandable ecatalog joins our expanding selection of free sales tools, and we’re proud to give you the tools you need to boost your business. You’ve got the opportunity to create a branded sales piece at no cost to you, so you can focus your marketing budget on direct mail pieces, print ads, and more.

Have you checked out our rebrandable catalog yet? If you haven’t, give it a look here. If you have, we’d love to hear what you thought in the comments below.