Boost Summer Sales for Small Business

Are you looking for a way to boost your sales this summer? We’ve got news for you! The latest of our vertical market sales kits is here, giving you a chance to speak directly to the print needs of small businesses. Here’s what you need to know about this new kit.

small business kit brochure, business cards, announcements, letterhead, forms, postcards, announcements

What’s In It?
We’ve created this kit around a lawn care business, and all of the products are hand-picked for that market. Practical pieces like business cards, forms, and letterhead are just the start. “Thank you” notes can help build rapport with customers at the end of the season, brochures are a great way to inform prospective customers of new services, and other pieces like Post-it® Notes and door hangers make great leave-behinds if your customer is going door-to-door to drum up business.

These products might be tailored for lawn care, but they’re a great fit for a wide variety of small businesses looking to give a boost to their marketing strategy. Use the kit as an example of how your customer could create a complete print suite no matter what market they’re working in.

How Can You Use It?
Ready to put this sales kit to work? Be sure to bring it with you when you meet with potential customers, especially if you work often with small businesses. It’s also important to keep the samples within reach for when customers walk into your storefront, because you never know when a small business owner will reach out to you.

These kits can be used for much more than samples, though. They are also a great way to highlight cross-selling opportunities. Did your customer come to you for letterhead and business cards to stock up for the summer season, for example? This kit will show them how they could create other print pieces to give their small business an additional boost.

Ready for the Summer Slump
With so many people heading out on vacation, summer can be a slow season. That’s why we are debuting this kit now. A new sales tool for reaching out to a new market could help you connect with new customers even during a slow season.

Best of all, this new sales kit is available free of charge. Simply contact your customer care team to request yours or visit our website to request a kit online.

What do you think of this new sales kit? We’d love to see you join the conversation in the comments below.

The Importance of a Well-Coordinated Stationery Suite

Your customers come to you for a lot of different reasons. Maybe they need business cards for an upcoming event. Maybe they have to create a brochure for a new product. Maybe they want folders to keep organized at their business. However, if your customers are ordering their stationery pieces individually, they might not be taking advantage of the benefits that can come from coordinating their print pieces with each other.

Make Their Business Look More Put-Together
This is the biggest reason for your customers to coordinate their print pieces. When their print pieces look coordinated, it makes their entire business look a little more polished and organized by extension. This starts with their more traditional pieces, of course—a well-matched stationery set is the foundation of professional corporate communications.

Your customer can also extend this idea to other pieces. From keeping offices organized to presenting ideas to customers, branded folders can add a special touch to your customer’s print order. When the time comes for your customers to send out announcements for company news or invitations for their next big event, creating announcements that coordinate with their existing stationery can be a great way of ensuring the event feels connected to your customer’s brand. And when your customer matches their brochuressales sheets, and rack cards to their other print pieces, it will make sure your customer’s brand is top of mind when their clients think of the new products and services that those print pieces promoted.

Create the Right Mood with Every Print Piece
When your customer coordinates all of their print pieces, it ensures that every piece creates the right feel. After all, once your customer has chosen a business card stock that conveys quality or a print process that creates just the right look for their brand, it’s easy to create that same feel by matching other pieces to that business card.

That doesn’t mean they all have to look exactly alike, though. By using an accent color, on the other hand, your customer’s stationery suite will continue to look cohesive but have a more varied, creative look. This is an ideal option for customers who want to convey a lively, friendly, or artistic personality with their print pieces.

Make Your Customer’s Brand Instantly Recognizable
The more your customer’s brand is seen, the bigger the benefits for their business. This means that every piece of print that they send out—from the branded business envelope that holds an invoice to the business card that accompanies a sales representative to an official meeting—is a chance for one more impression. Not only does this make your customer’s brand more recognizable, it keeps their brand top of mind for their clients.

What are your customer’s favorite print pieces? We’d love to see you join the conversation in the comments below.

Added Professional Print Touches for the New Year

Whether your customer is updating their existing print order or creating something entirely new, the New Year is a good time for them to add a bit of extra polish and professionalism to their suite of stationery products. How can they do that? Here are our four tips.

1. Coordinate
Nothing says “You are in good hands” quite like a well-put-together appearance. From employee dress to consistent signage, your customer has probably considered this already, but they might not have considered the importance of coordinating their image across their print pieces, too.

That doesn’t mean that everything has to match exactly, though. The design they print on white letterhead for everyday use, for example, could feel more stately on an ivory stock. And speaking of ways to make designs feel consistent without making them match exactly…

2. Let Brand Colors Take Center Stage
Whether or not your customer wants to put their logo on a given print piece, using their brand colors for every piece is a good way to make every print piece they use feel like a cohesive whole. For some pieces your customer could highlight their logo, but others could simply feature that logo’s colors to create a different look that still connects back to their brand.

3. Don’t Be Afraid to Get Creative
Sometimes changing things up is a great way to pull together a more creative set of print pieces. Does your customer have an abstract or geometric logo? Consider printing it very light across their letterhead for the look of a watermark or letting it extend beyond the cut edge of their business card for a creative accent. Does your customer usually use their logo as the central design in their print—except in one photo-heavy brochure? Consider using that logo as an accent or highlighting it on the back of the brochure alongside your customer’s contact information.

This creativity doesn’t just add visual interest—it allows your customer to be more flexible with their print pieces. After all, with a little bit of flexibility in their brand look, they can create a wider variety of designs for their print.

4. Consider Texture
One way to bring together your customer’s print pieces with style is to use only one or two stock textures throughout their print order. Using the same stock to unify your customer’s business cards, letterhead, and stationery envelopes is a great way to give everything a consistent feel.

And, for additional polish, Navitor offers CLASSIC® Linen and Laid Papers. Not only do these stocks provide a subtle texture that will add a touch of elegant appeal, but the CLASSIC® brand is one that your customers can rely on. Choose linen papers for a cloth-like texture and laid for a handcrafted feel. To learn more about these stock textures, check out the Neenah website for more information on CLASSIC® Linen and CLASSIC® Laid.

How do you help your customers create a polished print order? Do you help them coordinate their print pieces? We’d love to see your tips in the comments below.