Just How Colossal is Print?

Modern media comes in many different formats, including print media, television, movies, video games, music, cell phones, various kinds of software, and the Internet. Many are surprised that PRINT is the largest media. In fact, print media and its many segments are larger than broadcast, the internet and all other media combined.

The G.O.A.T.
Print media has been the number one advertising method for centuries. No new media has been able to beat the still-rising popularity of print media mainly because it is one of the most trusted ways of communication and one of the least expensive ways to reach a broad audience fast.

Categories on the rise
Of the various print categories, labels and packaging is the biggest. Labels and packaging prompt millions to make daily decisions and purchases, and in 2020 became the first print category to exceed one trillion dollars – that’s a pretty significant milestone. Other print categories going through the roof these days are book printing, corrugated, direct mail, advertising inserts and catalogs. Direct mail’s resurgence has become viral; printed books are climbing, while at the same time digital downloads are well … down.

Getting the word out
To mark the significance of print and promote the use of it, Print Drives America Foundation’s national advocacy initiative includes a “PRINT IS COLOSSAL” ad that helps get the word out about print being the largest communications media, larger than broadcast and online media and all other media combined. Their message is simple and to the point: Print is colossal and yes, it’s even growing!

Print vs. digital
Some companies mistakenly undervalue print media advertising, thinking the digital era has ushered in more efficient forms of marketing. However, comparing print media and electronic media proves that print media provides a boatload of advantages including being more effective at targeting and making a lasting impression.

While the internet has revolutionized the spread of information and colored the way we think about advertising, digital advertising has a few drawbacks including more competition and poor click through rates. Most websites average four digital ads per page view, and studies reveal that 80% of people have never clicked on a banner ad. That’s major.

For any media to have remained at the top for so long and still be popular signifies its excellent benefits. Let’s dive in.

Highly targeted
Print media is a straightforward and affordable medium to reach customers and sell more products. It allows for effective advertising by spreading awareness within more accurately targeted audiences and specific geographical areas.

Easy budgeting and expense management
Costs are clear and simple to obtain, making planning and budgeting a breeze.

Excellent ROI
Print media holds the unique advantage of gaining profits through targeting consumers most likely to buy, outweighing the investment.

Higher frequency of exposure and viewing
Online ads are sort of a flash in the pan, and largely ignored as an inconvenience while surfing. Unlike digital messaging, print media doesn’t disappear after generating an impression, which offers repeated exposures. Additionally, consumers are more receptive to printed media because they aren’t distracted when exposed to it. Physical pieces hold a reader’s attention and are often reviewed multiple times and can also be shared with others.

Capitalizes on the power of our senses
Printed media leaves a lasting impression as the consumer engages with it in a more in-depth manner. The sensory experience of touching the carrier of an ad improves the impact it has on consumers. In surveys, most people report they find it easier to read print media over digital content.

Offers a ton of control and flexibility
With so many options and add-on features, print offers flexibility in selecting the ideal solution to fit requirements and budget. You can go big or go as small as you like to get your desired results.

The trust factor
Credibility increases reader loyalty and research shows that print media is one of the most trusted mediums out there. People buy from those they trust.

Excellent top-of-mind advertising
Print is best at keeping a product, brand or service in the consumer’s mind, and at the same time is exceptional at prompting action. Print also promotes excellent recall value over time, which increases the likelihood of consumers taking action after initial exposure as well.

The bottom line
Advertising with print media has stood the test of time and remains the most viable and potent platform any business can use to build their brand, and reach and connect with consumers. When used in tandem with digital, like leading readers to websites or online stores, print provides a concrete foundation that allows businesses to reap the benefits of a solid omnichannel strategy. Navitor has a range of products and services to support your customers’ growing print needs and impact their results.

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