Your customers have a lot of events to prepare for now that warm weather is finally here. They might be hosting sidewalk sales to bring more foot traffic into their store. They might be preparing to host a booth at the commercial building of a fair or sponsor an upcoming community event. They might want to replenish their supply of business essentials. They might have new products that they need to inform customers about.
And you’ve got the print pieces they need to make that happen.
Not only is this the perfect time to reach out to your customers about their summer print needs, but it’s also a great time to save!
Reaching Out Early for Summer Events
If your customer has events coming up, it’s a good idea to reach out early so that they can place an order for the print they need. Not only will this help ensure that you have the opportunity to save on your order—more on that in a moment—but it will also ensure that your customer’s order is in hand early and ready to go whenever their event arrives.
Want to Save?
To celebrate summer, we are offering 50% off any form of shipping for custom stationery items. Simply include coupon code CPN-50SH9 with catalog orders or visit to save automatically on all these products:
Business cards
Door hangers
Event tickets
Playing cards
Post-it® Notes
Rack cards
Sales sheets
Trading cards
This offer excludes promotional products and holiday and greeting cards.
What print pieces do your customers look for as summer approaches? We’d love to see you join the conversation in the comments below.