The Power of Giving Back

Giving back, a simple term that can pack a big punch! Each year Label Works makes a commitment to give back by volunteering time, donating funds and providing necessary resources – and this year was no exception. We strive to support and connect with our local community and our employees never disappoint.

This year, employees engaged in a wide variety of activities that were not only fun, but also benefitted many great causes. In March, employees tested their basketball skills and competed against each other to raise funds for LEEP – an organization aimed to enhance the quality of life for people with developmental and intellectual disabilities through inclusive education, recreation and healthy living opportunities.

We also organized our annual weeklong rally benefitting the Greater Mankato Area United Way. Throughout the week, employees were served up a delicious breakfast and baked potato bar, competed in a chili cook-off and indulged their sweet tooth in a bake sale. Company-wide bingo and Wheel of Fortune games were played all week for tons of great prizes. Rounding out the week was a silent auction in which employees of each department worked together to gather items for their themed baskets – with the closing bids on Friday boasting a combined $600 contribution.

Upcoming annual fundraisers include events and activities to benefit the local ECHO Food Shelf, Toys for Tots and Salvation Army’s Coats for Kids. Giving back is so important to Label Works and the success of our community; our employee’s generous nature and kind hearts continue to inspire us year after year.

As we enter in to the holiday season and reflect on all that we have to be thankful for, consider giving back to local groups in your community that help those in need. Not sure where to start? Just ask! Contact an organization in your area with your desire to get involved.