Outreach Kit

10 Call Me! Studies foun d 82% of buyers accept meetings with salespeople who reach out to them. Phone calls help build that personal relationship more quickly than other methods of contact. Top Priority: Create a list and make the time HOT TIPS TO WARM COLD CALLS 1 Start with a catchy intro and get right to the value Who you are, what you do, who you know in common, and why they should care. 2 Ask questions that get to your prospect’s challenges Reference how similar clients are finding the same problems and how they’re solving for it in creative ways...with you. 3 Ask questions to determine where they are in the buying process You’re trying to understand if there are more decision-makers to involve, how long projects usually take to close, and what information might help them in the short and long term. 4 Ask questions that build expectation Make sure they can see the picture of the results they will get by working with you. These questions get your prospect thinking about just how great it would be to work with your company. 5 Tailor your message These days, it’s easy to do research on their business, company goals, and even your prospect’s role. 1. Check the “About Us” on their website as well as recent blogs or newsfeeds. 2. Check out LinkedIn to learn more about your contact and their interests, how long they’ve been with the company, etc. 69% #1 57% of buyers have accepted phone calls from new providers in the last 12 months is what you have to prove your value to prospects 5-10 Minutes most effective prospecting tactic is making phone calls to existing customers of C-level and VP buyers prefer to be contacted by the phone even more than directors (51%) and managers (47%)