Outreach Kit

8 Don’t Be Anti -Social 91% 84% 65% 50% Must Haves Why should you be using social media? We hear a lot of distributors questioning the value of social media. Social drives awareness - not conversion. But you don’t have to be everywhere. LinkedIn and Facebook are two good bets for any prospecting strategy. Look for your dream clients and find groups on the site that they are a part of. Search a hashtag of products or services you offer to see where there is a following. Remember that we have dozens of in-depth industry-specific booklets you can use for free. Take advantage of Navitor’s Social Media Toolkit . It’s full of easy to copy-and-paste text and save-and-post imagery. • Has a link that includes an image - keep a list of content sites to share • Is under 40 characters • Is sent at Non-Peak Hours • Is posted consistently - daily is best but you can start with 3x a week • Includes a newsworthy element • Blog Posts • Third-Party Content - use engaging reputable content, add personal commentary • Native Video - do short interviews, product demos or event recaps • Plain Text - Sometimes just plain old copy does the trick - share tips or recent discoveries • Photos and Illustrations - be authentic The Perfect Facebook Post The Best Types of Content for LinkedIn In case you didn’t know and were afraid to ask… This is a hashtag: # By placing it in front of a word or phase, it enables cross-referencing of content shared. i.e. #businesscards PROSPECTING TIP Search the hashtag of products or services you offer on each platform and join/follow those groups. A great profile picture & cover photo of B2B buyers are now active in social media of senior executives use social media to support purchasing decisions Social tools can increase win rates by 5% and deal size by 35% of salespeople use social selling to fill their pipeline of B2B social traffic comes from LinkedIn A call to action, like “Sign Up” or “Follow” An engaging “about you” section or profile Top Priority: Maximize Your Profile TIP ALERT TIP ALERT! Check out pexels.com for a stunning free photo site you can use