41 INFORMATION & GUIDELINES FOIL STAMPING OR EMBOSSING FOIL STAMPING OR EMBOSSING DIE CHARGES - For orders with foil stamping or single-level embossing with up to 36 total square inches of coverage, there is no additional charge for dies. For orders not within these parameters or for special foil colors, call or send artwork for a quote. Charges for dies vary according to the size and amount of detail in your design. We will notify you of any additional costs before processing your order. Send actual sized artwork or a sample for an estimated die charge. FOIL AND EMBOSSING DIES - This is a process that combines foil stamping and embossing into one press run. A brass die is required for this process. Send artwork for a quote. DIE TYPES - Various types of dies are available. MAGNESIUM DIES: These single level dies are used for foil stamping. They will be recycled after use. COPPER DIES: These single-level dies are used for foil stamping and embossing. Copper dies provide crisp quality without the expense of a brass die. Copper dies are recycled after use. BRASS DIES: These single or multi-level sculpted dies are used for embossing or foil embossing. These dies produce a deep, crisp image with well-defined edges. NOTE: fine lines and type do not foil emboss well. Mail or e-mail artwork for a quote. SOFTWARE NATIVE APPLICATIONS We accept files created in the following native applications: • Acrobat PDF (MAC & PC) • Adobe Photoshop® (MAC & PC) • Adobe Illustrator® (MAC & PC) • Encapsulated Postscript Files (EPS) We DO NOT accept files created in the following native applications: • Microsoft® PowerPoint® (MAC & PC) • Microsoft® Excel® (MAC & PC) • Microsoft® Word® (MAC & PC) • Microsoft® Publisher® (MAC & PC) • CorelDRAW® (MAC & PC) ELECTRONIC GUIDELINES FILE REQUIREMENTS - Create one item sized correctly per document. Placed graphics and text should be sized at 100%. FONTS - Using your illustration program, convert all text to curves or create outlines in your files. Never use the stylization palette to bold, italicize, add drop shadow to, or put outlines on your fonts. If you are using fonts not owned by Navitor, outlines must be created in an illustration program before submitting your artwork. MARGIN REQUIREMENTS - For spot color printing using one or more spot colors, artwork must have the position noted in the special instructions, or a sample must be attached. Four color process printing should have at least ⅛" (.125" margins. BLEED REQUIREMENTS - Allow ⅛" (.125") on all sides. Text needs the required margin even when graphics bleed. SPOT COLOR PRINTING - Submit black and white bitmap images at 600 dpi and grayscale mode images at 600 dpi for standard spot printing. COLOR REQUIREMENTS - Navitor now has a new Accurate Color System. You can now send your files colored using the intended PANTONE® Matching System (PMS) color instead of having to color it using CMYK colors. Every effort will be made to print your intended color within acceptable standards. FOUR COLOR PROCESS • Every element of the file must be colored with process CMYK colors (no RGB, indexed color, etc.). Files must be 300 dpi or higher. • PANTONE® Matching System (PMS) spot colors and process colors are produced using different methods. Therefore, colors produced in four color process will differ from PANTONE® spot colors, sometimes significantly. Refer to a Solid to Process Color Imaging Guide for color conversions. PRINTING BLACK VS. BLACK FOR FOUR COLOR ORDERS - Use printing black (C-80%, M-80%, Y-80%, K-95%) instead of 100% black when in registration with other colors in areas with heavy ink coverage, and for bold type or lines (2.5 points or thicker). Use 100% black in all other instances. If the CMYK mixes used in your file do not match the Multicolor numbers chosen, we will use the file as is and print as a “CMYK Scan” with no guarantees. SWATCH LIBRARY - Our Swatch Library can be installed on equipment that is running any Adobe product. This will give you access to all of our colors and their mix settings to ensure that we print exactly what you create. The instruction file will walk you through process of setting up the file. The library and instructions for installation can be found under “Help and Resources” on our website. COLORING YOUR ARTWORK FOR SPOT COLORS COLORING YOUR FILES FOR SPOT COLOR PRINTING Desired Ink Color Name Your Color Swatch COLORING YOUR FILES FOR MULTIPLE SPOT COLOR PRINTING Black Brick Red Brown Burgundy Dark Blue Forest Green Gray Green Light Blue Orange Red Reflex Blue Teal Any Foil or Embossing PMS Ink Black Brick Red Brown Burgundy Dark Blue Forest Green Gray Green Light Blue Orange Red Reflex Blue Teal Conversion (CRUCIAL for die ordering) Use actual PANTONE® Spot Color Swatch® TERMS OF USE Please access our terms of use at: https://www.navitor.com/termsofuse.aspx Our terms of use contain important information about your rights and obligations. Any 2 Standard Colors Black & 1 PMS Ink 2 PMS Inks 1 Standard & 1 PMS Ink Black & Foil Black & Embossing NOTE: Files will be used as is if not indicated on your order *When using PANTONE® Spot Color Swatches in your file, they need to be named and colored the actual PANTONE® name and number being used to print your order. PANTONE®, PMS and PANTONE MATCHING SYSTEM® are Pantone Inc.’s check-standard trademark for color reproduction and color reproduction materials. Actual Color Black & PANTONE® Spot Color Swatch® PANTONE® Spot Color Swatch® Actual Color & PANTONE® Spot Color Swatch® Black & Conversion Black & Conversion