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PRESENTATION FOLDERS Folders TIPS & INFO: Folders 100 Prices subject to change Sales Tools to Help Start a Folders Conversation We’ve developed these Free Sales Tools to help you promote the Folders Category. Contact us to order! COUNTER MAT Brighten up your counter with a Best Folders Experience Mat. WE SELL FOLDERS & DELIVER The Best BOX STUFFERS Insert one in every package to remind your clients that you sell folders! WE SELL FOLDERS & DELIVER The Best WE SELL FOLDERS & DELIVER The Best STICKERS Stick one to every outgoing package. WE SELL FOLDERS! The Best Delivering a proposal? Drop a Post-it® on the cover. POST-IT® NOTES FLOOR & WINDOW DECALS Attach promotions to unusual surfaces! WE SELL FOLDERS! • Wholesale Price Guide NEW DISTRIBUTOR MARKETING KIT • Welcome Letter • Catalog Price Effective Date: January 1, 2024 Powered by FOLDERWORKSTM 2024 Product Catalog asi 54908 | sage 52721 | ppai 112837 | psda 1002 | upic FOLDRWKS asi 52541 | sage 66162 | ppai 23620 | psda 1002 | upic EPOLY General Information Scan to read the most-often asked questions, and the details to help your ordering process go as smoothly as possible. Current Stock Guide No need to search, current stocks are listed and updated in real time. Scan now! Imprint Upgrades Scan to view specifics on stocks, foils, inks and upgrade pricing – plus, definitions for print processes and environmental paper codes. Save your time AND your dollars by ordering online Price and order your product on CUSTOMER SERVICE & ORDERS: Phone: 877.294.5028 QUOTING: